War Of The Three Kingdoms: Empires and Puzzles Guide (with Reviews)

The War Of The Three Kingdoms is a new Empires and Puzzles multi-player mega event, where you join forces with 99 other players and together, you battle for ultimate glory!
In this post, I’ll provide a guide and overview of the War itself, and later, we’ll also take a look at all the new heroes!
Please consider sharing a link to this post in your Alliance group or on social media. Thank you!
MENU (Empires and Puzzles – War Of The Three Kingdoms)
1. War Of The Three Kingdoms Guide
2. War Of The Three Kingdoms Family Bonuses
3. All 5-Star Heroes – War Of The Three Kingdoms
Cao Cao
Guan Yu
Liu Bei
Lu Bu
Sun Quan
Zhang Fei
Zhuge Liang
Erlang Shen
Queen Guowang
Xiong Shanjun
Nine-Headed Beast (new)
4. All 4-Star Heroes – War Of The Three Kingdoms
Sun Shangxiang
Wang Yuanji
Xiahou Dun
Zhou Yu
Heifeng Guai
5. All 3-Star Heroes – War Of The Three Kingdoms
General Yin
Caveat: The post represents game-play speculation and personal opinion. It is not advice. It is based on Beta information and is, therefore, subject to change. Information may also be wrong or inaccurate. All heroes may not be available upon Event release.

War Of The Three Kingdoms Guide | Empires and Puzzles
The War Of Three Kingdoms is quite similar to a normal Alliance War however, this War is on a scale we’ve never seen before.
100 players will join forces in a “Warband”, automatically assigned to one of the Three Kingdoms (Wu, Shu, and Wei).
Just like an Alliance War, you’ll need to sign up 24 hours prior to the start of the battle. Or of course, you could choose to Opt-Out π€ͺ.
You’ll also need to set your Defense team.
While there is an in-game chat board to communicate with your Warband buddies, you’re under no obligation to take direction.
You’ll have 12 flags (3 at the start, and 3 more every 12 hours) to use to earn points for defeating opposing teams. The stronger your opponent, the higher the score for winning.
There are no Special Effects in this War; so no Rush, or Attack Boost etc.
And, just like in a normal Alliance War, you can only use your heroes once.
Finally, teams will revive after 6 hours, increasing to 8 hours, then 10 hours, as they are defeated. Once an entire Warband is defeated, the board will flip.
Ranking & Rewards (The Hierarchy)
The War Of Three Kingdoms is very impressive in its scale:
Your Warband is part of a Kingdom (Wu, Shu, or Wei), -and your Warband will take part in a “Skirmish”, battling another Warband from another Kingdom.
If your Warband wins its Skirmish, you’ll be rewarded with loot.
You’ll also be rewarded for:
- your individual performance in the Skirmish
- if your Kingdom wins their War
- and if your Warband has the best overall score in your Kingdom.
Rising Fury – New War Rule
As of February 27th 2023, a new rule will be added to the War of the Three Kingdoms war event.
Rising Fury: All Heroes in your attack team will receive a stats bonus of +5% Attack and +5% Defense. Each attack you conduct in this War adds an additional +5% Attack and +5% Defense.
So your first flag will enjoy a 5% boost, your second flag will enjoy a 10% boost, your third flag a 15% boost, and so on.
This should especially help F2P/C2P players with limited rosters.
War Of Three Kingdoms Guide | The Heroes!
I’ve got soooo much lined up for you.
First, we’ll take a look at the Three Kingdoms Family Bonus, then we’ll check out all the new heroes (in alphabetical order).
My reviews are based on a quick analysis because there are so many! -I’m basically gonna give you an opinion on 15 brand-new heroes.
For that reason, it’s reasonable to expect my position to change on some things in future.

War Of The Three Kingdoms | Kingdom Family Bonus
Heroes from the War Of The Three Kingdoms enjoy a powerful Kingdom Family Bonus;
When teamed with another hero from the same Family they receive a Mana and healing bonus. Here’s what it looks like for 1/2/3 heroes:
3%/6%/10%2%/4%/6% Mana every time a Minion is Summoned4%/6%/8%3%/5%/7% healing every time a Minion is Summoned
[This Family Bonus was Buffed & Nerfed – Details updated]
War Of The Three Kingdoms | Journey Family Bonus
A new Family was introduced to the War of Three Kingdoms in 2023, they’re called the Journey Family. Here’s their Family Bonus:
Journey Family: 1/2/3/ Heroes: 50% chance to increase the duration of each Status Effect that is cast by the Hero by 1/2/3 turns.
War Of The Three Kingdoms Morale Boost
Playing Heroes from any of the War of Three Kingdoms Families will help you with the War itself. War of Three Kingdoms Heroes and all Heroes fighting alongside them will receive the following perks in War battles:
Morale Boost: +10% attack, +3% defense, and +7% health.
Related: The current Top 10 Defense Heroes in Empires and Puzzles
Some of these heroes were subsequently Buffed or Nerfed by the developers. Details have been updated to reflect the changes.
All 5 Star War Of The Three Kingdoms Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)
There are eight new, 5-Star (Legendary) heroes, in War of The Three Kingdoms:
Cao Cao Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Order to Overwhelm): 1. Deals 275% 330% damage to all enemies. 2. Summons a Wei Soldier Minion for each ally with 20% HP and 25% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each hit from a Wei Soldier Minion dispels all dispellable buffs from the target. 4. Deals extra damage against Fire. All allies get +30% defense for 4 turns.
Core: Ice (Blue), Rogue, Slow, Kingdom Family.
[Cao Cao was buffed since release. His stats have been updated.]
Initial thoughts on Cao Cao
π ….
π ….
Did you read that too?
Each hit dispels all dispellable buffs from the target. π
That’s cold-blooded.
Good luck folks.
Thankfully Cao Cao’s slow, but with all the Mana boosters out there, and his own Family Bonus working in his favour, it might not feel like it!
This reminds me of Lady Of The Lake (who’s also Slow). But with Cao Cao, he won’t care if you’ve fired off, -’cause he’ll still get you down the road.
330% damage to all enemies is solid. And the Minion itself is somewhere in the middle when compared to other Summoners.
Those Minions are really the stars of the show here; perfectly capable of shifting the battle:
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Want more Cao Cao? Check out his full review here!
Diaochan Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Lady’s Charm): 1. Recovers 35% health for all allies. 2. Summons a Lackey Minion for the caster and nearby allies with 16% HP and 25% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each time a Lackey Minion hits an enemy, it steals a random dispellable buff from the enemy and gives it to its owner.
Core: Dark (Purple), Sorcerer, Fast, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Diaochan
It’s hard for a Healer to receive a Deity rating from me because they need to do more than just top up the HP meter.
Diaochan is a Deity because her Minions allow their owner to imitate X-Men’s Rogue, and absorb their victim’s powers.
Diaochan will heal all allies for a good portion (35%), then pseudo/future heal them with Minions, and then those Minions will make their owners Deities. Done.
You don’t need Ludwig or any other buffer, you only need Diaochan.
… Oh, did I mention she’s Fast?
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Want more Diaochan? Check out her full review here!
Guan Yu Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Green Dragon Crescent Blade): 1. Deals 390% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. Damage bypasses target’s Minions. 3. The target and nearby enemies get -25% defense and a further -3% defense for each Minion owned by the enemies for 3 turns, up to -70% defense. This effect can’t be cleansed.
Core: Nature (Green), Paladin, Average, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Guan Yu
Guan Yu looks like a great hero, -I mean 390% damage to three enemies, that bypasses Minions, and lumps up to -70% defense-down on the victim…
That’s awesome.
In fact, Guan Yu is everything I want from an Archangel; this guy is perfect for fighting the Deities.
The problem?
He’s so strong, he’s basically a Deity himself!
He hits harder than Quenell, and does a lot more, for only 2 more tiles.
And while Guan Yu is situational… It’s a very common “situation”: -Minions all up in your face.
Look, I want to grade Guan Yu an Archangel because he embodies everything an Archangel is to me.
He goes against the Minion tide, and in devastating fashion, brings the Deities to the ground, -with a thud.
In today’s Meta, he’s like a Truck, blazing along in the opposite direction.
He hits too hard, and is too effective against a common problem, to be ignored.
Against the Current Top 10 Defense Heroes, he’d completely change the game.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Liu Bei Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Call to Arms): 1. Deals 360% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. Summons a Shu Soldier Minion for each ally with 16% HP and 17% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Shu Soldier Minion gives its owner the ability to counterattack with 60% of the damage received as long as the owner has a Shu Soldier Minion. This effect can’t be dispelled.
Core: Nature (Green), Druid, Average, Kingdom Family.
[Liu Bei was buffed and subsequently nerfed after this review. His stats have been updated however the review remains the same.]
Initial thoughts on Liu Bei
340% damage to three is solid for Average. We see similar numbers from the Ninjas Tier-2 (also 10 tiles).
And for reference, Liu Bei’s Minion is lighter than Motega’s Minion (14% HP).
That leaves us with the 50% counterattack, which is gonna be an annoying buff to deal with (because it’s attached to a Minion). However, a flush hit to the head should destroy it, and so remove the buff.
Wolfgang’s a great hero to compare against.
First, he attacks (250% to all), then he protects (-50% damage to all allies), and finally, he provides healing (600 HP after 4 turns). -All for an Average charge.
Compare that to Liu Bei’s hit and pseudo-healing via Minions.
Then add additional value for that troublesome 50% counterattack, and I think we’re looking at a…
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Lu Bu Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Disrupting Charge): 1. Deals 330% damage to all enemies. 2. Summons a Mercenary Fiend for all enemies. The Fiend damages its target with 56% attack every turn. 3. The Mercenary Fiend absorbs healing. It disappears after absorbing a healing amount equal to 38% of its target’s max health. 4. The Mercenary Fiend’s target is immune to new buffs as long as the target has Mercenary Fiends. This effect can’t be cleansed.
Core: Dark (Purple), Barbarian, Slow, Kingdom Family.
[Lu Bu was buffed after this review. His grade has been updated (13/08/22) however the review remains the same.]
Initial thoughts on Lu Bu
This is an interesting hero.
First the hit.. Clearly nothing to write home about. 300% is acceptable for Slow, but there are heroes out there who do more.
It’s the Fiends that make you ponder…
The weight? 32% of health. -Not much of a jump from what we’ve seen.
The attack? 48%. -That’s respectable.
But neither of those things will cause too much of a problem for the average player. Here’s the stinger…
- The Mercenary Fiend’s target is immune to new buffs as long as the target has Mercenary Fiends. This effect can’t be cleansed.
Rigard aside, this is gonna impact a lot of healers. And since Healing is the primary way One would remove Fiends, then yeah… it’s an issue.
In this case, Lu Bu doesn’t do enough to scare me, but now the developers have thought of it… Well, it’s like Q taking the Enterprise to meet the Borg…
They’re coming.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Sun Quan Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Command to Advance): 1. Deals 340% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. Summons a Wu Soldier Minion for each ally with 10% HP and 18% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each hit from a Wu Soldier Minion gives the target the following status ailments: The target receives 255 Burn damage over 3 turns.
Core: Fire (Red), Ranger, Average, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Sun Quan (Updated)
Since we first got a look at Sun Quan, a few things have changed:
- The WotTK Family Bonus got a serious upgrade
- Sun Quan acquired stronger Minions
- and the Minions received an improved Ailment burn rate
In isolation, Sun Quan is the least interesting of all the Legendary heroes in the Three Kingdoms Family.
His Skills are solid, although nothing that we haven’t seen: Hitting for a hero-wounding 340%, Summoning Minions, and those Minions inflicting a decent amount of burn damage onto their victims.
Still, that doesn’t change the fact that Sun Quan is a fantastic hero, as are all the heroes here. And if you’re a new player, F2P, or CP2, he should make your starting line-up, easy.
But when added to a more diverse roster and sat next to a Family Member, Sun Quan will benefit from a Family Bonus which must be one of the most underrated in the game.
When together, the WotTK heroes have the potential of doing some crazy things, due to their built-in synergy and that ridiculous Family Bonus!
It’s true, he’ll still get some juice from the Family Bonus when alone, but together, its potential is so much greater.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Check out Sun Quan’s full review here.
Zhang Fei Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Viper Blade): 1. Deals 530% damage to the target. 2. All allies reflect status ailments that affect defense back to the attacker for 3 turns.
Core: Holy (Yellow), Fighter, Fast, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Zhang Fei
This is nice.
I don’t normally like Snipers, but Zhang Fei is incredibly heavy-handed, and his Defense ailment reflection looks really good, too.
It reminds me of the recent Gaillard, a Fast Sniper who hits for 490%.
At this speed, there’s a good chance Zhang Fei could offer some protection early in a battle. And, he’s got lots of Defense-Down heroes to target, including:
- Frigg
- Morel
- Santa
I reckon Zhang Fei would be fun to use on Offense, and quick enough to be considered for Defense.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Zhuge Liang Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Martial Masterstroke): 1. Summons a Shu Soldier Minion for each ally with 16% HP and 17% attack inherited from the caster. 2. Shu Soldier Minion gives its owner the ability to counterattack with 60% of the damage received as long as the owner has a Shu Soldier Minion. This effect canβt be dispelled. 3. Summons a Shu Guerrilla Fiend for all enemies. The Fiend damages its target with 75% attack every turn. 4. The Shu Guerrilla Fiend absorbs healing. It disappears after absorbing a healing amount equal to 50% of its targetβs max health.
Core: Holy (Yellow), Sorcerer, Slow, Kingdom Family.
[Zhuge Liang was buffed and subsequently nerfed after this review. His stats have been updated however the review remains the same.]
Initial thoughts on Zhuge Liang
Zhuge Liang acts like some promo guy in a Supermarket, offering Sample Packs:
Old Cynic: Chill Zhuge, I don’t want none.
Zhuge Liang: But it’s free!
Old Cynic: Watch your hands man, you’re getting blood on my suit!
Zhuge Liang: No backsies!
Old Cynic: π
Zhuge Liang does a lot here and really deserves his own review. He’ll create a bunch of problems with his Special, but will probably need a Minion summoner by his side.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Want more Zhuge Liang? Check out his full review here!
Erlang Shen (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Deteriorating Morale): 1. Deals 475% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies. 2. The target and nearby enemies get -48% attack for 3 turns. If the effect is removed before the duration ends, the target with the effect suffers 502 damage.
Core: Holy (Yellow), Fighter, Fast, Journey Family.
Initial thoughts on Zhuge Liang
Erlang Shen is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms and forms part of a new Family.
Queen Guowang (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (The Queen’s Radiance): 1. Deals 330% damage to all enemies. 2. All allies get 10% Mana every time an enemy uses their Special Skill during 4 turns. Mana is received at the end of a Special Skill and will not be received if the Status Effect is removed during a Special Skill. 3. The caster gets Vengeance for 4 turns. If Vengence is dispelled by an enemy’s Special Skill, all enemies receive 525 damage.
Core: Holy (Yellow), Sorcerer, Average, Journey Family.
Initial thoughts on Queen Guowang
Queen Guowang is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms and part of the new Journey Family.
You can find my full review, here.
Xiong Shanjun (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Fury of the Mountain Lord): 1. Reduces max health of the target and nearby enemies by 800 over 4 turns (can’t get lower than 30% of original max health). 2. The caster and nearby allies regenerate 800 Boosted health over 4 turns (can exceed max HP). 3. The target and nearby enemies get -24% Mana generation for 4 turns. 4. The caster and nearby allies get +24% Mana generation for 4 turns.
Core: Dark (Purple), Paladin, Average, Journey Family.
Initial thoughts on Xiong Shanjun
Xiong Shanjun is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms Journey Family.
Nine-Headed Beast (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Wrath of the Nine Beaks): 1. Deals 150% damage to 9 random enemies. 2. The duration of Buffs is reset for all allies. 3. The duration of Status Ailments is reset for all enemies. 4. All allies get +40% Attack for 4 turns. 5. All enemies get -40% Attack for 4 turns.
Core: Ice (Blue), Druid, Slow, Journey Family.
Passive Skills: 1. HEALTH RECOVERY ON BUFF RECEIVED ~ This character has a 50% chance to recover 10% health when they receive a Buff or a Positive Stack. 2. MANA ON BUFF RECEIVED ~ This character has a 50% chance to gain 10% Mana when they receive a Buff or a Positive Stack.
Initial thoughts on Nine-Headed Beast
Nine-Headed Beast is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms Journey Family.
Related: All my E&P Event Guides
All 4 Star War Of The Three Kingdoms Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)
There are four new, 4-Star (Epic) heroes, in War Of The Three Kingdoms:
Sun Shangxiang Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Royal Blades): 1. Deals 280% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies. 2. The target and nearby enemies get -44% defense, and a further -4% decrease every time they are hit during 3 turns.
Core: Fire (Red), Fighter, Average, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Sun Shangxiang (Updated)
Yes, Sun Shangxiang!
I love her because it means all the 5-Star reviews are done!
Let’s see what she does…
Wow, very cool stuff.
That’s like 5-Star worthy. -Like the old 5-Stars.
All on Average. Wow.
Well, looking at the hit, 280%, -it’s in the same ballpark as the current HotM, Iris.
As for the Defense-down, that’s what Frank does (from my Top 10 4-Stars list)… and he’s Slow.
As I understand it, Sun Shangxiang’s the girl on the poster, and for good reason.
Awesome hero in my view. May even make some lower-level Defense teams… like mine π
I hope to review her properly at a later stage, but for now…
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Wang Yuanji Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Nobleβs Empathy): 1. Destroys all Fiends from all allies. 2. Boosts health of all allies by 625. Boosted health can exceed max HP.
Core: Holy (Yellow), Sorcerer, Slow, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Wang Yuanji (Updated)
Wang Yuanji’s an awesome hero who would comfortably fit into a 5-Star Raid team, especially against all these Fiend Summoners.
I mean, imagine rolling her out against Zhuge Liang, Motega, Senan, Hannah, Viscaro, and Elizabeth?
And the Over-healing?
Lady Of The Lake’s new Costume only does 550 HP.
Costumed Ariel only does 520 HP Boosted health.
Wang Yuanji does 625 HP.
If you forget the fact that Wang Yuanji’s a 4-Star hero, her value actually increases.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Xiahou Dun Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Quilin Blade): 1. Deals 355% damage to the target. 2. Summons a Wei Minion for the caster and nearby allies with 20% HP and 25% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each hit from a Wei Soldier Minion dispels all dispellable buffs from the target.
Core: Ice (Blue), Fighter, Fast, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Xiahou Dun
Xiahou Dun is Cao Cao’s Mini-Me.
Cao Cao is Slow remember, while Xiahou is Fast.
And since the value here is with those Minions, I make Xiahou Dun another 4-Star hero who’s suitable for the 5-Star ranks.
Again, if you’re new to the game, F2P, or a C2P player, and you happen to pull Xiahou, you really should consider him for your Raid Squad, and maybe even your Defense team.
In a 4-Star Tournament, he’d be a great asset, stripping those buffs -which we all know 4-Star heroes love.
Yes, he’s a Sniper, but again, I expect his Stats to be on par with an old skool 5-Star hero, while his Special is absolutely top-drawer.
And his Speed… You’d have Buff Control in 8 tiles.
Look, I’m not selling him to you;
…you do what you want.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity
Zhou Yu Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Scion Sword): 1. Deals 355% damage to the target. 2. Summons a Wu Soldier Minion for each ally with 10% HP and 18% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each hit from a Wu Soldier Minion gives the target the following status ailments: The target receives 255 Burn damage over 3 turns.
Core: Fire (Red), Ranger, Average, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Zhou Yu
Alright, I need a tea.
It’s fine reviewing all these heroes but Typing + Tea + Biscuits = more calories in than calories out, you do the math.
OK, Zhou Yu….
Very similar to Sun Quan, although Zhou Yu only hits one target.
If Zhou Yu was Fast, I’d be singing his praises, as it is, I think he’s just OK.
-Minions are always useful.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Heifeng Guai (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Black Tassel Spear Sting): 1. Deals 285% damage to the target. 2. The duration of dispellable Status Ailments are reset for the target. 3. The target gets -35% Defense for 3 turns.
Core: Dark (Purple), Rogue, Fast, Journey Family.
Initial thoughts on Heifeng Guai
Heifeng Guai is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms and part of the new Journey Family.
All 3 Star War Of The Three Kingdoms Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)
There are three new, 3-Star (Rare) heroes, in War Of The Three Kingdoms:
Jing Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Spear of Shu): 1. Deals 340% damage to the target. 2. Summons a Shu Soldier Minion with 16% HP and 17% attack inherited from the caster.* 3. Shu Soldier Minion gives its owner the ability to counterattack with 60% of the damage received as long as the owner has a Shu Soldier Minion. This effect canβt be dispelled.
Core: Nature (Green), Fighter, Fast, Kingdom Family.
[Jing was buffed /nerfed after this review. His stats have been updated however the review remains the same.]
*The wording on the card is unclear, however, I’m assuming this hero will summon a Minion for all allies.
Initial thoughts on Jing
No, I won’t look!
You tell me in the comments, is this one any good?
When I look at Jing’s Special, it brings Kvasir to mind. He’s easily one of the Best 3-Star heroes in Empires and Puzzles.
Kvasir’s Minions are worth 15% HP and 17% attack, and crucially, they prevent their target from getting new Minions for 4 turns.
Turning back to Jing and we see a reasonable hit and the same 65% counterattack we’ve seen from other War Of The Three Kingdoms heroes.
Jing’s a solid 3-Star hero, offering a hit and Minions, in super quick time.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
Li Review (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Sickle of Wu): 1. Deals 160% damage to all enemies. 2. Summons a Wu Soldier Minion for each ally with 10% HP and 18% attack inherited from the caster. 3. Each hit from a Wu Soldier Minion gives the target the following status ailments: The target receives 195 Burn damage over 3 turns.
Core: Fire (Red), Paladin, Slow, Kingdom Family.
Initial thoughts on Li
Li’s gonna hit, then call on the Minions to back him up.
He isn’t insane or OP like we’ve seen elsewhere. And at Slow, I think his only real use is in a 3-Star Rush Tournament.
In fact, he’s given me the excuse I needed to dust off the old “Warrior” badge:
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Warrior
Yao Review Empires and Puzzles

Special Skills (Sword of Wei): 1. Deals 215% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. Summons a Wei Soldier Minion with 20% HP and 25% attack inherited from the caster.* 3. Each hit from a Wei Soldier Minion dispels all dispellable buffs from the target.
Core: Ice (Blue), Ranger, Average, Kingdom Family.
*The wording on the card is unclear, however, I’m assuming this hero will summon a Minion for all allies.
Initial thoughts on Yao
Yao is a good little hero.
The short version is, if he can fire off early, you’ll get Buff control, -which again, is important for 3-Star heroes.
However, Yao’s main problem is his mana speed (Average), because Kvasir gonna be there with his Fast mana speed, hoping to upset the cart.
I like the idea of Yao and Kvasir side-by-side, -that would make a fantastic team.
Anyway, a really useful hero.
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel
General Yin (War Of The Three Kingdoms)

Special Skills (Enchanted Axe Swing): 1. Dispels Buffs from all enemies. 2. Deals 180% damage to all enemies. 3. Deals additional 8% damage per removed Status Effect, up to 276% damage in total.
Core: Nature (Green), Barbarian, Slow, Journey Family.
Initial thoughts on General Yin
General Yin is a new addition to the War of Three Kingdoms and part of the new Journey Family.
War Of The Three Kingdoms Guide | Empires and Puzzles
It’s been fun going through all these new heroes. Hopefully, you’ve enjoyed the journey too.
I’m actually looking forward to The War Of The Three Kingdoms, -should be fun.
The real question is, how seriously will people take it? Will Alliance War strategies come into play, or not?
As for the heroes?
Hopefully, I’ll get one!
That’s it for another epic post! Spot an error? Just let me know and I’ll update it.
Enjoyed the post? then help me! – Share it with your alliance!
Want more Empires and Puzzles? Click here.
Copyright (decoration images and text): oldcynic.com
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games
Too many Deities!!!!
Well, looks like the gems I’m saving for Season V will be spent elsewhere. lol
It’s just arrived! It doesn’t look like the heroes are at the Gate this time… I’m Shu.
Like Pokemon…
Gotta catch them all π
Makes me think my Topaz and Eloise are gonna be vveeerryyyy handy
And if i catch some good 5 stars here, my Pinguin, Motega/Director Zuri and Freya too :p (10% mana ? Waaaaoouuhh)
I’ll let you know if i get somes π
Haha, good luck Yardman, -don’t chase too hard π
Ignoring all the beta challenges, this event seems like nothing but free raid opportunities (which I love, but still). You really don’t have an opportunity to coordinate strategy with your new teammates, often there are language barriers even if you wanted to and there is not a huge incentive to be a team player and clean up partials. With so many players, one player playing brilliantly really doesn’t do much so your chance of your team doing well is really down to the luck of the pairing.
After playing today I came to the same conclusion. It’s hard, as you say, with so many players and so many languages.
Thanks for sharing!
Completely underwhelming. In my war virtually all the enemy teams were worth 30 points, ranging between 3980 and 4600, higher enemies earned 31 points. It was simply a race to get to the easier teams, the harder ones were ridiculous difficult for the same points. Too big a team for any teamwork or tactics, although my war chat line was dominated by Russian speakers who may have had a plan (not an obvious one). The loot was pathetic, I came third on my (losing) side and got a couple of small crates of food and iron, a buddy who came 93rd in his (losing) team got virtually the same. I didn’t even notice a 3 Kingdoms summon gate, was there one?
Absolute waste of my time.
I have to agree, it felt like it was missing something… the urgency of an Alliance War? As you say, 100 people was too much to even consider small tactics.
It was fun to use my hits, but felt like a personal mission rather than a team event. I guess, it’s still beta. Maybe it’ll get better.
Re. the gate, -there was no gate this time. I expect it to appear with the next outing.
Thanks for sharing John!
Just got Zhuge Liang from a 10 pulls!!!!! Please do a review on him!!!!! Lol
Hey MIB, sorry I had to do Diaochan first, but I will do Zhuge Liang next. Give me a few days. I hope you’re having fun with him.
WE are happily waiting dir Zhuge Liang Review π
Hi Patrick, hope it’s OK!
Hey MIB, I just wrote up Zhuge Liang, hope it’s OK!
I pulled Diaochen and Zhuge Liang, as well as Wang Yuanji, a couple of Xiahou Duns, Yao, Jing and Li. Overall super excited to get started on these and add them to my rotation. Thanks for the great posts. Look forward to seeing a few of these great heroes get their own posts.
So far I have Yao and Xiahou Dun. We will see their effectness in the next couple of wars and raid tournaments. Seems with this wave, the minions have the power to give and take away. They are much more active. More than being just meat shields and minimal damage. I like it!
Excellent write up but a clarification, you show a participant gets 6 war flags, 3 at the start and 3 24 hours later, but it seems from the post regarding 3 kingdoms on small giant’s forum from 3/14, it’s 3 flags at start and 3 more every 12 hours and from now doing the war myself, that seems what it is, just thought you’d like to be aware. Still, appreciate all the invaluable time and details you put into these treasure troves of information, keep up the great work, thank you for sharing them.
Thanks Jim, I thought I updated that part, clearly not. Thanks for letting me know!
Just did a little playing with the 3* heroes. All of them only summon a minion for the caster and not for all. So you might want to revise your reviews.
Yao only summons the minion for himself sadly
Thanks John, Iβll update this when next on!
Sun Shangxiang is a definite deity. I was lucky enough to pull her and she’s so strong even I am terrified when she hits (and I’m the one doing the attack…)
. Not to mention grafual def down. Was testing new titan team with her and Franz and G.Jackal (beast was dark). Together with g. Gazelle and Vivica I was able to do 130k on 11* titan. of course you need a good boards and you need to trigger them all at once but she is definitely one of the strongest epics in the game.
Been using Xiahou Dun now for a few months on my war Defence team (we use blue tanks) and heβs been excellent. His defense stat is higher than my blue 5 stars and, because heβs a 4 star, means fewer points for the opponent. Itβs actually rare for someone to take out the team with one flag (c alberich, Ludwig, ZD, Khufu, and Wolfgang). Highly recommended for anyone w/o an excellent 4 or 5 star tank.
after some time of using Sun Shangxiang, Wang Yuanji LB and with all emblems I think you should definitely change their rating to Deity. Any Epic hero that can compete a legendary should be deity. I’ve been using them along with some other epics too and I’m quite easily able to beat legendary teams – if the game doesn’t decide that I cannot win.
If Wang fires in the game – yes, she’s slow – but if she does I almost never lose. Sun hits hard and does extra def down. Essential for events/titans – which on it’s own should give her deity rating (same applies to Wang).
Sure they cannot be literally as good as event legendaries but comparing them to some of the weak ones…
Sun 951/642/1503
Wang 759/877/1444
some legs that I have at 4/80:
Lianna 729/718/1248
Sartana 694/700/1382
Reuben 766/737/1310
Yang Mai 743/762/1369
Zulag 669/782/1433
Chakkoszrot 745/780/1355
Elkanen 675/784/1266
what decides the game? if the hero fires. what makes him fire? speed -but also- health/defense. Comparing to e.g. Zulag -and she was kinda supposed to be a tank- you can see that they both have more health and Wang has even more defense.
I mean, if these epics are not deity who is? π but anyway, I just wanted to point it out in case someone saves the pulls for some event. W3K is definitely one of the top ones that is worth it. If you’re f2p or c2p and got lucky (as I did) you can get epics worth of legendaries for couple of pulls. Sure I’d be happier to have a legendary from that even (in fact I have too – again, super lucky), but these epics will do even without legendary luck
Hey there! You’re right, that power creep is a game-changer in its own right. You make a good case which will stay with this page so folk can consider it along with what I’ve said. These are getting on now but if I come back round to reevaluate them I will reflect again on your points.
Thanks for visiting and sharing your opinion!
Just an FYI, Zhou Yu is a male, not a female.
Cheers John, updated.