Lady Of The Lake Vs. Costumed LotL (Empires and Puzzles) Review

Lady Of The Lake Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Lady Of The Lake is a beautiful Siren whose voice can be heard beckoning lost souls towards the abyss, drawing them ever closer to the rocky shores of Empires and Puzzles.

Once there, she enchants with song, while her Minions loot mana like Gremlins feasting after midnight.

Although Lady Of The Lake is an old Witch, she is not forgotten.

And now, in the time known as AL (After Ludwig), it is right that she will seek to reclaim her Throne and demand the obedience she once knew.

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Lady Of The Lake’s Old Cynic Review

Costumed Lady Of The Lady Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Lady Of The Lake (LotL) just got a new Costume (Dec 21), and that’s all the reason I need to write about her. See, she’s a rare and powerful Hero, a Hero who once represented the height of mana control.

But there’s a lot to consider with our Lady, stuff like:

• What does she do? (& her Costume?)

• Why isn’t she more prominent in Empires and Puzzles?

• What about synergy?

• And her speed?

Well, let’s start with her ridiculous Special.

Lady Of The Lake Vs Costumed Lady Of The Lake (Empires and Puzzles)

I’m going to compare Lady Of The Lady with her Costume counterpart.

If you’re here because you just pulled the Costume, you’re already winning, because the Costume bonus is awesome and you also have the choice of using either version.

That said, for me, there is only one true version of the Goddess; the base version.

Here’s a table showing both their Specials:

HeroMana SpeedHealingMinionsMinion Ability
Lady Of The Lake
Slow (12 tiles)Recovers 42% health for all allies14% HP and 15% AttackRemoves 10% mana from the target on impact
Costumed Lady Of The LakeSlow (12 tiles) Boosts all allies by 550 HP (Over-healing)14% HP and 15% AttackInflicts -24% mana generation for 3 turns (can’t be cleansed) – Lady Of The Lake Vs. Costumed Lady Of The Lake

Lady Of The Lake is all about her Sword Minions and their ability to reduce mana.

And if Bera (assuming you have her) can’t stop the Summoning, then it’s best you get to your meditative breathing.

-‘Cause, the result is one of the most frustrating things known to all of Heaven and Hell.

See, unlike other mana Controllers, these Minions keep stealing mana at the end of each turn, until you smash all the little buggers off the screen.

If LotL manages to create 6, or worse, 9 of those little bastards, then it’s time to employ forefinger in an upwards motion, -and just release the tension.

And while the new Costumed Lady Of The Lake is great, fantastic, she just can’t compete. -She’s destined to live in the shadows of her former Glory, like many of us.

And every time I see her with the Costume on, I’m gonna feel that way, -trying not to make eye contact for fear she’ll start telling me some story about the good old days….

Why Isn’t the Lady Of The Lake more prominent? A myth long forgotten

I took a look at the Top 25 Defenses, and LotL was only in one team. She’s also never featured in my Top 10 Countdown, and is generally more of a myth these days.

And I put it down to a few things:

First, she’s super rare, -part of an old Event that doesn’t come around that often.

Second, she’s Green, and there are loads of top-drawer Green Heroes, like Frigg, Costumed Kadilen, and Horghall (got ya).

But really, there are so many Green options, and maybe the good Lady is just bench-warming.

She’s also Slow, which for what she does is well-balanced, but compared with modern Heroes… she’s a dinosaur.

All that said, with the introduction of her Costume (in the new Challenge Festival event), she should be more accessible, and maybe, more utilized.

Lady Of The Lake and Synergy (Empires and Puzzles)

I’m loving all these new Heroes we’re getting, because it adds depth and diversity, making it a lot more fun on Raids.

It also creates more opportunities for older Heroes through Synergy.

I’ve already gone on about how the new HotM Family Bonus has helped Reuben.

Well, in a similar way, all the old Heroes with their sometimes obscure Specials, are now finding ways to be more impactful.

Lady Of The Lake was already great in a crowd. -I know first-hand, that if you pair her with Margaret, you’ll find they work very well together.

That’s because, Maggy will help the Lady along, speeding her up and putting a 2-Step [YouTube] into her shuffle.

But, what if you put LotL next to Ludwig? Or Xnolphod?

-Lady Of The Lake, and a bunch of other old but powerful Heroes, are all waiting for their chance to shine in the New World.

And if you don’t have a locker room stuffed with Grade-A produce, just getting one of these old Monsters, could really change your fortunes.

You too my friend, could be r-e-s-p-e-c-t-e-d.

Just find a decent Hero to play the Pick-and-Roll with your Superstar, and you’re set.

Formations can really help, too. Look at this:

How To Play Lady Of The Lake Empires and Puzzles

This is the Reverse Double formation, and as you can see, Lady Of The Lake’s back two Minions are protected from tile damage, -meaning they can get on with the business of stripping mana, unimpeded.

Of course, folk will go strong against her element, but every little strategic benefit helps.

Lady Of The Lake’s Hero Grade (Empires and Puzzles)

My final thoughts:

I’ve jabbered on quite a bit, but I’ve wanted to give my 2pence on Lady Of The Lake.

She’s an awesome Hero to have on your side!

So for my Grading, the Question is:

Is this Hero’s Special capable of/likely to change the outcome of a battle?


If not, do they still bring enough to the party to help defeat the deities?


Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity★★

Note: As for her Costume. Based on the early info, I’d grade it as a Warrior. Slow is a long time to wait for what you get. (I may upgrade on seeing her perform/ or if she’s buffed on release).

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games

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  1. Hmm yeah, I don’t see how the costume is better. -10% mana is brutal. Slower mana gain is also really bad but at least you don’t lose what you already have.

  2. Great review! I have Lady of the Lake and agree she is amazing. She is on my Green mono team and she is next to Ludwig in Fast Wars. I am currently gets a mana troop to lvl 23 to pair with her as well. If I got the costume, I would lvl it to get the bonus and still use the base version.

  3. Been using The Lady for âges now, and she is a blast. Combined with Krampus, who offers taunt and some Lady minion protection… I did get the costume, but will still use the standard version. The bonuses (5% mana and 10% health) are great though…

  4. I have the original and Love LoL.. I agree the new costume is not as good as the enhanced normal LoL. Just stoked I got the costume

    1. I’ve got LoL with costume only recently in the last Challenges Festival, and will make her with costume to get the bonus. Yetthebasic variant is far better than costume, anyway. So the old – yes, but with costume bonus

  5. I have LotL and wanted her costume just for the bonus but wouldn’t use it. I am using a mana drain defense. Current lineup is: c. Marjana, Krampus, Neith, LotL, Mitsuko. In the double formation to help protect the sword minions.
    She’s awesome!

  6. Planning on using costume LoTL flank with Alfrike tank in Rush. Regular LoTL mana cut works against Alf’s mindless attack.

  7. I got Lady of the Lake costume today on the first coin pull. I’m both shocked and happy. I know the costume bonus got a huge buff 🙂 So generally speaking people use the base form over the costumed version ?

  8. Landed her from the event portal w costume. Is she still relevant? The costume bonuses of up to 17% are something at least. Also mana +5% helps a slow hero.

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