How Good is Hannah? Empires and Puzzles Review

When Hannah first appeared in Empires and Puzzles, there was some disagreement about her overall value. But hindsight is 20/20, and that’s exactly the number of emblems everyone’s put on her. See, since then, Hannah’s made quite a name for herself.
She is a classic example of Never Giving In; she clawed her way to the top and is now dining with the best of them.
In this post, I’ll review Hannah’s Special skills, compare her to Elizabeth and some other 5-star Fiend summoners, and offer some tips on where to play her.
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This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.
Hannah’s Element, Class, Special Skills, Passives & Talents
Here are her key stats & facts.
Element: Dark (Purple)
Class: Druid
Mana Speed: Fast
Special Skills: 1) Deals 215% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2) Summons a Golden Idol Fiend for the target and nearby enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 43% attack every turn. 3) The Golden Idol Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 20% of the target’s max health. 4) The Golden Idol Fiend gives -20% attack for its owner for as long as the owner has Golden Idol Fiends. This effect cannot be cleansed.
Passive: START BATTLE WITH MANA ~ This Hero receives 20% mana at the start of the battle.
Talent: COMPANION ~ +15% chance to summon a Thorn Minion after receiving any damage. The effect is applied at the end of the turn.
Family Bonus (for 1/2/3/4/5 Underwild Heroes): 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% / 45% chance to spawn an Underwild Gem on board when this Hero casts Special Skill. The Underwild Gem deals 50 damage to a random enemy each turn.

Is Hannah worth Levelling? (Empires and Puzzles)
Yes, Hannah’s fantastic.
I don’t grade Heroes here, but I am interested in winning Raids and Defending the Cups I’ve won. I talk about how these Heroes would help me meet that goal, or how they would hinder my progression.
Hannah, Elizabeth, and the bulk of the Heroes I dissect are all in the group of ‘helping’. They’re Heroes you can put in your Defense and expect to win more battles while offline. Heroes you can put in your Raid team, and expect to overcome greater challenges.
(Updated: I now have a grading system, see below!)
Hannah is an elite Hero, evidenced by the fact that she is in 8/20 top teams in the world.
Related: How good is Alexandrine?
Hannah Compared to Elizabeth, Senan & Motega (Corrupting Idol)
At this stage, I’ve reviewed Elizabeth, Senan, and the new Tower Of Magic Hero, Motega. Here’s what we see if we line them up together:
Hero | Mana Speed | Damage/Other | Fiend Damage | Healing Absorbed by Fiend |
Hannah | Fast | 215% to Target & NB Fiend gives -20% attack for life of Fiend | 43% | 20% |
Elizabeth | Average | 175% to ALL Fiend gives -24% mana generation for life of Fiend | 43% | 28% |
Motega Tier-2 | Slow | Fiend gives -50% accuracy for life of Fiend | 43% | 50% |
Senan | Slow | 275% to ALL | 45% | 30% |
So, what makes Hannah stand out? Speed.
Hannah, is all about firing off her Special, and that’s why she’s become so popular. She doesn’t play around.
Hannah is a FAST Hero, who also benefits from a mana boost at the start of battle: ‘This Hero receives 20% mana at the start of the battle’. Imagine getting some decent Troops on her. Rumour has it, she’ll become VERY FAST…
And for that, you’ll get a healthy backhand to 3 enemies (215%), and Fiends out of her satchel, and into their laps.
Let’s take a look at her 215% attack on 3 targets (at FAST remember)…
- Reuben, a 5-star HotM, gives you 215% to the target and nearby enemies for a FAST. But does little else. I submit that Hannah’s damage is only 50% of her overall Special.
- Yang Mai, another HotM, gives you 280% to the target only, for a FAST charge (albeit, there’s a chance of multiple hits).
- Kadilen, a highly rated 5-star Hero, gives you 170% to all enemies on FAST.
But it’s the Fiends that make Hannah special. And while they don’t have the secondary impact of Elizabeth’s, or Motega’s, they do cause -20% attack, which is certainly worthwhile. They also attack for the same amount as the others, at 43%.
That said, it’s noteworthy that Hannah’s Fiends only require 20% healing to get rid of, but to be fair…. this was a FAST mana charge.
And that’s what Hannah simmers down to in my opinion; a trade-off, between the ability to summon Fiends, and the ability to do that at FAST. –Something has to give, but the balance is right, I feel.
How to play Hannah? Special & Position (Empires and Puzzles)
Hannah, like Elizabeth, can be played anywhere. She’s FAST, strong, and wants to get going.
If I had her, I’d play her Flank. Maybe even Tank (that 20% starting mana boost might help there).
A subscriber asked what I thought about playing both her and Elizabeth, and I’m all for it. I face top teams every day, and it’s Hannah who always seems to fire off multiple times.
I checked the top 5 teams in the world this morning, and at that time the top 4 teams all had both Elizabeth and Hannah in them. Each playing them in different positions.
My advice would be to try out different positions and see what works.
Wanna know what Tank, Flank, & Wing mean? Read my Jargon Buster.
Hannah, Empires and Puzzles Underwild Hero
My final thoughts:
Hannah is obviously one of the best Heroes in the game, and a sign of what’s to come: FASTER Heroes, who do more.
-We can only hope they’re as well-balanced as Hannah is…
Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Warrior
[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]
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Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games
Howdy Old Cynic!
You are pretty much spot on, Hannah is a great hero and at the moment she has the left wing position in my war and raid team.
I don’t use her tank/flank, but the reason for that is that i already have a pretty solid machine in the middle with Frigg/Finley flanks.
Hannahs job is to stand at the side of the main clash but still be fast enough to participate/interfere with attack down and background damage, and that is working really well.
Outside of the defense teams i have found her to be the perfect flank mate to clarissa as their attack types doesn’t collide and they are both insanely fast.. within the first 2 combos a big portion of the opponent is smeared with dots, attack down and has received about 1/3 health bar of direct damage..
Thanks for commenting and sharing some first hand experience of playing her. She’s a hero I’d love to have.
I will not limit break her though.. notes just landed on SG forum that they will balance Dark Lord from 390% to 480% damage as of tomorrow.. thats where my ethers will go 🙂
/still Hannah is great.
I just noticed that they nerfed Hannah! When you hit a center opponent hero with double formation she only gives 3 fiends instead of 5 fiends to all nearby enemies. Bahhh!
Yes, this is gonna mean a reshuffle for a lot of teams (it has with mine). I’ll cover this topic in my next E&P Monthly Social.
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