1% Raid Tournament Guide & Tips (Empires and Puzzles)

Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Guide and Tips Pin

I love signing up for a new Empires and Puzzles’ Raid Tournament. Be it Rush, Bloody, Buff, Three, Four, or Fire-Star… It doesn’t matter, –Always on Day 1, I’m full of hope, daydreaming my success… then, *Thud* by Day 3, I’m out!

Well, I wanted to get some tips and was lucky enough to find somebody who fits the bill.

Before I share his tips with you, I wanted to point out a couple of things;

  1. My guest today is a player, just like you or I. He doesn’t claim to be an expert, -he kindly responded to my call-out for a qualified person (who routinely finished in the Top 1%) to help less experienced players with some Tournament tips.
  2. Also, my guest is answering my direct questions, so if there’s something missing or lacking, it’s my fault for not asking!

I thoroughly picked his brain and he was a good sport, sharing sooo much.

Let’s get started…

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Top 1% Win Example

Empires and Puzzles Top 1% Raid Tournament Guide

Our guest today is GamerrFreddie. He’s been playing Empires and Puzzles for 3 years and is part of the Alliance, RealLifeMatters.

I’ve asked him a range of questions concerning all the different types of Raid Tournaments found in Empires and Puzzles. And to make this interview easier to read, I’ve sectioned them off, as seen below.

This post contains a lot of helpful information, including tips for:

  • Bloody Tournaments (Defense & Offense)
  • Rush Tournaments (Defense & Offense)
  • Buff Tournaments (Defense & Offense)
  • 3, 4, 5-Star Tournaments
  • Plus, his Top 5 best tips

Let’s learn a little more about GamerrFreddie:

How many 5-Star Heroes do you own? 110.

How often do you place Top 1% in Raid Tournaments? Every 2-3 Raid tournaments.

What’s your favourite Tournament and why? 5 Star Rush Tournaments (All 5 Elements).
Because the most powerful Heroes in the game are all going to battle, -no one’s excluded!

🙈 Here we go! 🙈

Bloody Raid Tournament Tips – Defense

Old Cynic: What’s your ideal Defense Team for a Bloody Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I always field a Rainbow Defense Team when possible. I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) Gunnar | Bauchan | Kvasir | Maeve | Noril

(4-Star) Wilbur | Anastasia | Marcel | Proteus | Costume Grimm

(5-Star) Bera | Black Knight | Lady of the Lake | Cobalt | Faline

Old Cynic: How do you build a Defense Team for a Bloody Tournament? What sort of strategy are you following (rainbow, minions, defense-down, etc.)?

GamerrFreddie: I try and bring a Minion Summoner, Heroes that stop/control/effect mana, Heroes that hit all or hit 3, a defense down Hero who hits at least 3, and a Hero that boosts attack.

If you have Heroes that deal with status effects, you might be able to fit them in too.

Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Top 1% Win Example
GamerrFreddie’s recent Top 1% Defense Team from an Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed, when selecting your Bloody Defense Team?

GamerrFreddie: Speed doesn’t matter depending on who you pair the slower Heroes with. If the skill is very powerful or devastating in general (like with Alfrike), it is worth having them in the long run.

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Bloody Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: No, the strategy is pretty much the same. If you cover the key elements of the defense, you can have good results on 3, 4, and 5-Star tourneys. If you can achieve hitting your enemies with maximum damage or status ailments, covering your team with minions to act as healing or sharing damage, you have a good opportunity for success.

(Re. Elements) Depending on what elements are available. The additional benefit of stacking the strong color is effective. With that being said, the vast variety of Hero skills to pair together can get interesting!

Bloody Raid Tournament Tips – Offense (Empires and Puzzles)

Old Cynic: What makes your ideal Offense Team for a Bloody Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I raid with a mono team or a 4-1 team. And on the 4-1 team, the odd one is normally a healer. I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) Gunnar | Vodnik | Nordri | Chick Jr. | Ulmer

(4-Star) Wilbur | Costume Colen | Ferant | Aodhan | Eichbelborg

(5-Star) Lord Loki | Costume Magni | Frida | Master Lepus | Vela

Old Cynic: How do you build an Offense Team for a Bloody Tournament? What’s the strategy?

GamerrFreddie: You want to bring a team of Heroes that leave status ailments. Also, if your roster permits, a minion destroyer or two. People use minions and share damage to shield the fact that there’s no healing or resurrection. If you can fit a Damage-to-All hitter in your lineup, that’s a plus also.

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed?

GamerrFreddie: For the offensive raids, you want to bring your fastest Heroes. Very Fast and Fast go to the front of the line. Average is next. Then Slow or Very Slow. Remember, if you plan on taking slower Heroes, try and work out a mana-boosting solution for those Heroes (if possible).

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Bloody Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: Yes. It’s a bit different on offense. You have to change up depending on the defensive Heroes you see lined up in front of you. Same for 3, 4, and 5-Star tournaments.

Rush Raid Tournament Tips – Defense

Old Cynic: What’s your ideal Defense Team for a Rush Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) Gunnar | Treevil | Bauchan | Candy | Noril

(4-Star) Anastasia | Sanngrior | Ferant | Costume Kashrek | Ingolf

(5-Star) Alfrike | Black Knight | Lady of the Lake | Uraeus | Cobalt

Old Cynic: How do you build a Defense Team for a Rush Tournament? What’s the strategy?

GamerrFreddie: Heroes with some of the most powerful specials are set on slow mana speed. These are the Heroes I look to use on my defense in tourneys. Slow and Average mana speed. Either a constant over-healing team or a damage-oriented attack-based team.

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed?

GamerrFreddie: For the Rush tourney, I am more focused on the power of the Special Skills. Some specials are harder to recover from and some are harder to overcome. And to have them at Very Fast speed is phenomenal.

Screenshot of Alfrike Valhalla
Alfrike, a phenomenal Rush Tournament Hero

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Rush Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: Same strategy. Depending on what elements are available, the best teams that can be created are during the Rush tournaments. All the special skills running at the same speed. No advantages for any Heroes.

Rush Raid Tournament Tips – Offense (Empires and Puzzles)

Old Cynic: What makes your ideal Offense Team for a Rush Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) Gunnar | Nordri | Vodnik | Chick Jr. | Guardian Lemur

(4-Star) Wilbur | Costume Colen | Boldtusk | Aodhan | Cillian

(5-Star) Alfrike | Senan | Costume Elena | Xnolphod | Killhare

Old Cynic: How do you build an Offense Team for a Rush Tournament? What’s the strategy?

GamerrFreddie: Mainly my most powerful Heroes. The ones with the most complex specials.

Screenshot of Senan from Slayers Hero Empires and Puzzles
Senan, a powerful Empires and Puzzles Rush Tournament Hero

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed?

GamerrFreddie: Since all Heroes are set to Very Fast, I make the best teams possible. There are no limitations.

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Rush Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: It’s mostly the same. At every Hero tier (3, 4, & 5), you adjust to match the strength of the defensive team you are up against.

Buff Booster Raid Tournament Tips – Defense

Old Cynic: What’s your ideal Defense Team for a Buff Booster Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) Gunnar | Bauchan | Whacker | Candy | Bjorn

(4-Star) Mist | Wilbur | Boril | Brynhild | Ingolf

(5-Star) Costume Vivica | Kingston | Black Knight | Gailard | Onyx

Bauchan Best 3 Star Hero
Bauchan, a 3-Star Giant

Old Cynic: How do you build a Defense Team for a Buff Booster Tournament? What’s the strategy?

GamerrFreddie: You want your defensive Heroes to leave a buff behind for their allies when they fire their specials. You want to have at least 3 buffs helping your team. So you have to bring a few utility Heroes to get that accomplished.

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed?

GamerrFreddie: Not really. You can position certain Heroes that will help slower Heroes become faster. So that way, you can use the Heroes that will better help you achieve your goal.

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Buff Booster Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: No. It’s the same strategy throughout the tier level of Heroes. Just take note of what Heroes work best with others and adjust accordingly.

Buff Booster Raid Tournament Tips – Offense (Empires and Puzzles)

Old Cynic: What makes your ideal Offense Team for a Buff Booster Tournament?

GamerrFreddie: I’ve listed teams for 3, 4, and 5-Star Tournaments ~

(3-Star) By-Ulf | Dolgoon | Whacker | Noril | Candy

(4-Star) Wilbur | Aodhan | Ferant | Cillian | D’Andre

(5-Star) Black Knight | Guardian Kong | Garnet | Costume Marjana | Zenobia

Old Cynic: How do you build an Offense Team for a Buff Booster Tournament? What’s the strategy?

GamerrFreddie: I like to have one or two utility Heroes that can give my team at least 3 active buffs. The rest of the team makeup is healers and damage dealers.

A screenshot of Zenobia from Empires and Puzzles
Zenobia, a Damage Dealer

Old Cynic: Are you concerned with Hero Mana Speed?

GamerrFreddie: It depends on the speed of the defensive team. You want to match up with them as best as possible.

Old Cynic: Does your strategy change for 3, 4, or 5-Star Buff Booster Tournaments?

GamerrFreddie: The same strategy. Just remember that you want to get at least 3 buffs on your team to take advantage of the attack boost.

Top 1% Tournament Tips! (Empires and Puzzles)

Old Cynic: If an element is missing, should your Defense Tank always be the missing element’s counter – So, if Fire were missing, set a Green Tank?

Screenshot of Empires and Puzzles Tile Damage Chart

GamerrFreddie: I do run the counter to the missing element on my Defense Tank. I don’t go full Mono on the rest of the team because I personally think they are weaker, -or should I say, it has never worked for me when using a Mono Defense.

A Defense with two Heroes of the strong element is what I favour (with the second Hero on the Wing).

I’ve even, at times, fielded Tank and both Wings as the strong element, with different elements at the Flanks (that fit with the rules for the Tournament Modifiers).

However, Rainbow, or a near-full Rainbow Team, offers the most stability for your Defensive Team.

Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Example Defense Team
Raid Tournament Empires and Puzzles near Rainbow Defense Team

Old Cynic: What are your best 5 tips for placing well in a Raid Tournament?


  • Tip 1
    Don’t be afraid to go deep in your roster to find the right Heroes to match the task at hand. They all have a skillset, don’t overlook them.
  • Tip 2
    When all else fails, go back to the basics. Defense-down + attack up = more damage! Many Heroes offer these basics. Older and Newer!
  • Tip 3
    My holy trinity of damage is the shared damage and defense-down from Wilbur, the attack up from Boldtusk or Black Knight etc., a strong Damage-to-All hitter such as Colen etc.. It makes for massive amounts of damage against everyone at the same time. Very effective if done right!
  • Tip 4
    Remember the premise of each tournament and plan your defense accordingly. Don’t put Heroes on your defense that can’t help your overall objective. Strong or overpowered doesn’t always mean they are good for every situation.
  • Tip 5
    Have fun, play hard, and remember it’s just a game! What makes it good is the strategy!
Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Guide and Tips

Empires and Puzzles Raid Tournament Guide & Tips

Thank you for your patience and insight GamerrFreddie!

Even if you don’t have GamerrFreddie’s exact selection of Heroes, you’ll definitely be able to dissect his teams to see what’s working and find a way to have a similar impact.

If you have your own Raid Tournament tips, please share them in the comments below!

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Copyright: oldcynic.com
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games/Zynga Games

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  1. Really appreciate this subject and the common sense approach by your contributor Cynic. I have played for about 3 years, but have about 50 5* heroes, this seems a good yardstick on experience and capability. I think I use most of the techniques an probably achieve a top 1% every 6-8 tournaments. I have many 3* limit broke 3* heroes but always find these the most competitive. Some thoughts:

    -I tend to go mono or heavily biased to the strong colour on defence and will definitely try the rainbow or 2/1/1/1 mix going forward!
    – I also tend to attack mono, but find it is often very hit or miss on the opening board. I think I will try the 4/1 mix advocated here.
    – Again it is obvious but the defence down, attack up, hit 3 or 5 tip is always worth reinforcing! I think sometimes I may forget this!!
    – I will also think more about the aspects of defence mentioned – minions, mana boost etc
    – Recently I have noticed that many of the best defences, other than slow tournaments, have a mix of fast and slow heroes, particularly the new slow heroes, as they seem to be over-powered to the original heroes – eg Mauve, Noril etc
    – Finally I do not have Alfrike, and always struggle going up against her! She is an absolute beast. She is the hero I would most like!

    Thanks again for the article OC!

  2. Really useful and a lot of food for thought. I have incorporated some of the strategies / tips into this weeks battle and haven’t died completely yet!!

    Thanks for taking the time and effort to create this.

  3. Thanks for taking the time to put this post together. Just what I’ve been looking for. 🙂
    Been seeing plenty of Gunnar tanks recents. Thinks these folks found this post before I did!

      1. Quick question, do you know if gamerfreddie has emblemed up and limit broken most of the 3*’s that he focused on? Or, just relying on their synergies to place well in tournaments? Thanks again!

        1. Hey Nurglesgift, I did put an enquiry through, tho haven’t been able to get an update. Based on his Bloody Tournament image (in the -Defense section), 4 out of 5 heroes are LB, and nearly all fully Emblemed.

          Sorry for the late response!

        2. Yes. I have my rainbow team emblemed and limit broken. I also have additional 3 stars heroes limit broken also. If they aren’t limit broken they are fully emblemed for strength and survivability. But the synergies are the key to success.

  4. Thanks very much for the advice! Took it all to heart and my next 2 tourneys were a 5% finish (4*) and a 1% finish in the latest 3* bloody. Amazing!! Much appreciated.

  5. Hi All,
    Excellent advice, which I’ve shared with my alliance. Thank you! I tend to do pretty well at tournaments, achieving the 1% mark about a third of the time. One thing I would suggest based on my experience is not using heroes of Magic or Ninja Families on D teams unless you really love the specials they launch at all charges. This is because the AI isn’t smart enough to determine when to launch a special and when to wait for the next charge with heroes of this type, whereas HI can do this pretty efficiently. I do use Ametrine and Anastasia, for example, pretty regularly in tournaments, but only for offense, as I know when and how to use them much more effectively than the AI does. Thanks again and I hope this helps all tournament battlers (except the ones I run across of course 😀)

    1. Cheers Dharion! I tend to agree in general with Magic and Ninja lot, but some heroes are better than others, like Milena for example. I also like the Styx lot that are on the way. Thanks for reading!

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