Costumed Garjammal and the T3 Gods (Empires & Puzzles)

Costumed Garjammal Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Costumed Garjammal has just arrived at the Empires and Puzzles Underwild Portal, and today I wanted to discover if her Axolotl kite actually poses a threat.

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This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


Costumed Garjammal’s Stats and Special Skills (Kite of Endurance)

Element: Nature (Green) Class: Paladin Mana Speed: Fast

Special Skill (Kite of Endurance): 1. Deals 410% damage to the target. 2. The caster regenerates 800 HP over 4 turns. The effect duration resets if the caster is hit with direct damage from a Special Skill.

Underwild Family Bonus for 1/2/3/4/5 Heroes: 20%/24%/28%/32%/36% chance to spawn an Underwild Gem on the board when this Hero casts their Special Skill. Underwild Gems deal 50 damage to a random enemy each turn until it is matched.

Passive Skill: DECREASE AILMENT DURATION ~ Duration of the first 3 Status Ailments this character receives from Special Skills is decreased by 1 turn.

Talent: PROTECT ~ +25% chance to get +25% defense for 2 turns after receiving and damage. The effect is applied at the end of the turn.

Aether Power: REGEN ~ Regenerates 420 health over 6 turns.

Costumed Garjammal Empires and Puzzles Hero Card Detail
Costumed Garjammal – Empires and Puzzles

Costumed Garjammal Vs Garjammal (Empires and Puzzles)

Let’s put Costumed Garjammal alongside her base card:

HeroMana SpeedHitRegenClassAether Power
Costumed GarjammalFast (8 tiles)410% damage to the target800 HP over 4 turnsPaladin:
PROTECT ~ +25% chance to get +25% Defense for 2 turns after receiving and damage.
REGEN ~ Regenerates 420 health over 6 turns.
Fast (8 tiles)430% damage to the target675 HP over 3 turnsBarbarian:
WOUND ~ +30% chance to apply bleeding from any normal attack
+15% Attack and a further 1% increase every time they are hit during 6 turns. – Costumed Garjammal Vs. Garjammal

So, Garjammal’s received a decent upgrade on the self-healing and lost a little on the hit.

All in all, she remains much of what she was before, albeit, benefiting from a substantial Costume Bonus (Atk: 8%, Def: 8%, HP: 13%, Mana: 5%) and due to the retriggering staggered healing, she could prove to be a pain to finish in battle.

That said, she’s not a jaw-dropper, so why am I even reviewing her?

I wanted to use her to illustrate that by only reviewing the monsters, most of my case studies end up being T2s or T3s (HotM aside!).

Of course, most new Heroes are designed to be monsters and better than their predecessors, but that’s not always the case.

Basically, I’m biased and am actively trying to review the better Heroes!

But since we’re here, let’s continue with C. Garjammal…

Costumed Garjammal Vs Empires and Puzzles

In my view, she’s a very capable Sniper. -She’s a modern Sniper.

In the old days, we had Snipers who did very little, whereas Costumed Garjammal has a mechanism to continually heal herself to the tune of 200 HP per turn.

Sadly, with the jump we’re seeing in Stats, I’m not sure if her 410% strike at 833 Atk is gonna be enough to subdue a top-tier enemy. But as part of a Stack? Sure, she could play a role.

And let’s not forget, her self-healing will open up a number of new opportunities for team building.

Costumed Garjammal and her Peers:

HeroMana SpeedDamageAtkSecondary
Costumed GarjammalFast (8 tiles)Deals 410% damage to the target833Regenerates 800 HP over 4 turns, resets if hit by direct damage from Specials
GarjammalFast (8 tiles)Deals 430% damage to the target854Regenerates 675 HP over 4 turns, resets if hit by direct damage from Specials
TurgrukVery Fast (6.5 tiles)Deals 450% damage to the target on the first hit and 400% damage thereafter846Stack increases all damage to the target by +5%, Element Link: +5% chance to dodge Status Ailments for 4 turns
HimerosVery Fast (6.5 tiles)Deals 460% damage to the target865Dispels buffs from the target, Caster and NB do +40% damage via Special Skills for 3 turns
AthosVery Fast (6.5 tiles)Deals 470% damage to the target865Destroys all Minions from the target, the caster gets 20% Mana for each destroyed Minion, Attack bypasses defensive buffs including counterattack, the caster regenerates 306 HP over 2 turns
R&NFast (8 tiles)Deals 420% damage to the target, up to 570% damage based on target health809Steals Mana and Passive kills Minions from a random enemy, Element Link: +5% chance to dodge Status Ailments for 4 turns
QuintinFast (8 tiles)Deals 420% damage to the target821The target receives 100% damage for all the damage their allies receive for 4 turns
LaohuFast (8 tiles)Deals 605% damage to the target844Boosts the caster’s health by 50% of the damage dealt, Passive disables Minion Abilities – Costume Garjammal Vs Empires and Puzzles

Costumed Garjammal Vs Costume x2 Marjana (Empires and Puzzles)

As we see, Costumed Garjammal doesn’t do anything particularly absurd. And while it is true that many of the new Costumes look more like simple Stat buffs, it’s not always the case.

For example, I really like Cx2 Marjana, who recently received a very decent and usable new outfit:

Costumed Marjana Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Being critical of Costumed Garjammal, my main issue is the fact that her secondary skill isn’t something you can leverage or really benefit from.

-It just makes her slightly more dogged.

If she applied Boosted Health, instead of normal healing, well, she would probably receive a slightly better grade.

Speaking of grading, it is also tempting to reward her Stats. After all, she enjoys:

Atk: 833 Def: 844 HP: 1559

But on the whole, I’m not a fan of simple Snipers in general and that extends to Costumed Garjammal too.

I’m reminded of Tyr, but he does much more, including:

  • 285% damage to target
  • 60% chance to bypass
  • 212 Bleed over 4 turns
  • Self-heals for 548 HP over 4 turns, and
  • If he dies, he is reborn with 32% health

Costumed Garjammal (Empires and Puzzles)

My final thoughts:

With everything said, I still miss a good number of Heroes, and that’s normally about time.

~I swear, the older I get, the less of it I have.

But once in a while (more rarely nowadays), I purposely skip a Hero, simply because they’re weak or not incredibly OP.

Going back to Costumed Garjammal:

I would call her a Warrior in today’s game, but I’d accept arguments of Archangel at most.

She’s a good Hero with near-modern Stats and a handy bit of healing. -Meaning, she would be great for Stacking.

Ultimately, her value is predicated on your current roster and playstyle.

For example, if I pulled Costumed Garjamma I’d consider levelling her because she could fill a role.

But then, the Nature end of my bench isn’t housing the likes of Snowball, Guan Yu, Archie, or Green Knight.

What are your thoughts on Garjammal’s new Costume? Let me know in the comments below!

* Point of Interest: Costumed Garjammal’s pink kite is an Axolotl; An amphibian that has the ability to regenerate lost limbs. That marries quite nicely with Garjammal who has multiple limbs.

Hero Grade for Costumed Garjammal

So for my grading, the question is:

Is this hero’s Special capable of/likely to change the outcome of a battle? No.

If not, do they still bring enough to the party to help defeat the deities? No.

Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Warrior

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant/Zynga Games

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  1. I dont know but I think she is much better than first thought… I need to play against her to know for sure but her mana buff seems important (with a mana troop ahe could be easily nearly or exactly very fast) and her healing and the renewal of it everytime she is hit makes her a strong opponent… I d say archangel + to be honest! haha

    Btw I was wondering what you would say about Sneferu! you didnt comment on him and I d love a review from you for this noble beast lol (also just got Eiora and Fluffy who also is interesting for review – I think even if they didnt come out now people would like to read yoyr reviews on past heroes too!)

    1. Hi Grigoris, I’ll take Archangel.

      Sneferu looks great, just like Khufu, if you can wait for him. The result looks well worth it. Love/Hate the Status Effect Immunity.

      Thank you for the support, I’ll defo consider older Heroes from time to time!

  2. Hi OC
    Considering the already released and some leaks that are going around, don’t you think the costumes for Valhalla were way better than the ones for Underwild? I think the 3rd season heroes became relevant again thanks to their costumes, however the 4rd season ones have only improved a little.

    Of course it can be only my imagination.
    Thanks for the review, mate.

    1. Hey Mig-El, I do think the Costumes of the past were better so I’d have to agree. Some of the artwork looks cool for the new stuff I’ve seen in beta, but the Specials in many cases are slight variations of the original.

      It’s a pity really because it doesn’t seem to take a lot to rework these heroes. Still, once in a while something decent appears. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. So since you brought up Marjana, what would her rating be? Archangel? I was fortunate enough to get her in the costume chamber though I absolutely don’t have the materials to actually ascend her XD

    1. 😁 I can mention a Hero without grading them! It’s the hit that stands out for the speed, 300% to 3 is nice. Check out the chart on Staintongue for what’s the norm.

      The reduced defence with it creates a very decent hero for those below the top tier (imho). Marhana x2 isn’t a monster hero, just a good allrounder and better than many new costumes we’ve seen of late.

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