A Definitive List of the Best Heroes (OC’s Think Tank)

Image of Empires and Puzzles heroes with word, News

I’ve been blogging about Empires and Puzzles for a little over 2 years; crazy to think. In that time I’ve written over 200 posts and evaluated countless Heroes.

However, I’ve never been able to keep up with all the new Heroes flying off the shelf, not even close. Alas, there is only so much I can do.

I’ve always wanted to provide a useable rundown of the Best Heroes in Empires and Puzzles, period. And today, with the announcement of my Think Tank, I’ve come a step closer to being able to do that.

In short, I am creating a small Think Tank that will consist of experienced and knowledgeable players who together will further populate my Hero Ranking Page.

But more than that, we will re-evaluate all of the Heroes currently listed and reconsider their grades with today’s game in mind.

If this sounds like something you’d enjoy, there are a couple of ways you can help:

  1. Use and benefit from the new data flowing onto the Hero Ranking Page by bookmarking it and sharing a link somewhere!
  2. If you would like the chance to join the Think Tank, read on and send me a message as outlined below!

I hope to greatly improve on a resource that I think most players find useful.

Thank you for reading!

Old Cynic - Think Tank Image

Want to Join the New Think Tank?

I want this group to consist of no more than 8-10 players, so there’s a chance that I’ll get more requests to join than I have places to fill.

However, with your consent, I’ll keep you in mind should somebody drop out.

I would also like to have a diverse group of player levels. -I’m not only looking for high-level players, so don’t let that put you off applying.

Finally, you will need a Facebook account to join this group.

What is expected of you?

To help re-grade the Heroes listed on my Hero Ranking Page based on today’s E&P.

For example, Francine is listed as a Deity: T2, but I see her more as a T1 or even an Archangel at this point.

I also want you to offer grading suggestions for Heroes that aren’t currently on the Hero Ranking Page.

Please note, this is a casual affair; there are no timelines and no minimum re-grade requirements. Simply, this is an opportunity to share your own Hero opinion which you would have already formed, with a small group of like-minded people.

In this group, we will discuss a Hero’s merits as we narrow down on a Hero Grade, but it will be chilled and most importantly, respectful.

It will take time to slowly update the Ranking Page so there’s no rush. 1 Hero suggestion at a time is fine.

Ultimately, I will always have the final say on Hero Grades as they appear on this blog, however, I will always treat input from this group as significant and influential.

I believe this will create a resource that is the most definitive Hero Grading System currently available on the free market. -Something players from most levels can refer to.

What sort of player am I looking for?

I’m looking for players who…

  • Are adults (over 21)
  • Have been playing for over 12 months
  • Already share their opinions on Heroes with their Alliance
  • Have a confident and knowledgeable understanding of the game
  • Are able to communicate in a kind and respectful manner
  • Are able to leave their ego at the door
  • Understand my grading system having read both posts concerning them (Post 1 | Post 2)
  • Are able to consider a Hero in isolation, understanding that not everybody has the same roster
  • Understand the value of the Power Creep (improved Stats)
  • Are able to make a short and well-reasoned argument for a Hero re-grade
  • Won’t get upset if a re-grade isn’t implemented
  • And most importantly, are chilled and happy in nature, wanting to have a bit of fun talking Heroes!

Basically, I’m looking to gather a small group of players who enjoy sharing their opinions on Heroes and E&P in general and would like a chance to influence the OC.

This would be a voluntary contribution. There are no minimum requirements, but if you are not active within the group for an extended period of time without prior notice, you may be replaced. Please note, you will not be paid or employed.

What to do if you’re interested in joining the Think Tank

Send me a message on my Facebook Page [Facebook] with the following:-

  1. How long you’ve been playing E&P
  2. If you consider yourself F2P, C2P, or P2P (I don’t need figures)
  3. The level you play at (Top 100, Top 500, Play for fun)
  4. Your Alliance Name
  5. Whether you’re a YouTuber/Content Creator
  6. A New Hero Grade for Frigg and a Short Reason Why
  7. A Hero Grade for Sha Wujing and a Short Reason Why
  8. And if you would like to be kept on a reserves list

Please allow up to 2 weeks for a reply.

The cut-off date is Tuesday 17th October 2023.

Now closed. Thank you.

Thank you for reading!

Please don’t be upset if you don’t get selected.

Hopefully, people like this idea and support it.

Have a great week, everyone!

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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You can find all my latest posts over here.

Copyright: oldcynic.com (including initial images)
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games

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    1. It’s a great idea, OC! I’m not very good at evaluating hero talent, but I’ll share the word with my current alliance. You might also hit up Ssnake and Maul both on youtube.

  1. You’re doing a great job at something that keeps evolving.
    Without your talent I wouldn’t have an educated clue.
    Thank you for your time and efforts!

  2. Hey, that’s a great idea. I always read all the comments in order to incorporate other opinions into an overall assessment. I hope you find the right mix of supporters to create the best possible list

  3. OC, I think this is a great idea. Your opinions are already the most valuable to me of all the resources (Spock is a close 2nd), and I regularly share links to your material on our Alliance FB page. The other members frequently comment on how much your input helps them also. I think this is a great idea. There are plenty of viewpoints and perspectives that can give a different “take” on heroes, and I think, with you being the ultimate arbiter, this idea has a ton of merit. I look forward to the eventual genesis of this idea!

  4. Lovely idea! I share your posts with my Alliance constantly and have moved from “just bash things until they cave” to a (slightly) more nuanced view of team construction thanks to you. There are so many heroes I’d like to see explained and compared.

  5. Excellent project! Wishing you all the best and I am looking forward to the results!

    I do not feel I am knowledgeable enough to contribute. I just wanted to say kudos! 🙂

  6. Late as usual, but looking forward to see the first results.I will definitely advertise this project in my Alliance. Best!

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