Tahir Empires and Puzzles HotM August 22

Tahir Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Tahir is the August 2022 Empires and Puzzles Hero Of The Month (HotM), and he’s the opposite of last month’s prize catch, Klaern.

In fact, he’s so good, he might be mistaken for a real, paid-portal, dignitary. Well, nearly.

I’d personally love to get him and I’m sure you’ll really like him too.

Wanna help me first? Just share a link to this post with your alliance. Thank you!

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


Tahir hasn’t been released yet and is therefore subject to change!

Tahir’s Stats and Special Skills (Hunter’s Mark)

Key Facts: Fire (Red), Fast, Ranger, Legends 2022

Special Skills (Hunter’s Mark): 1. Deals 350% damage to the target. 2. Deals 525% damage if the target has Status Ailments or negative Stacks 3. If the target is still alive, the nearby enemies get 336 Bleed damage over 3 turns. 4. [Element Link] All Fire are immune to new Fiends for 4 turns.

Passive: 1. Resist Bleed damage 2. Recovers 50 HP when he receives a Status Ailment or negative Stack.

Talent: PIERCE ~ +25% chance to bypass defensive buffs when attacking. This includes counterattacks.

Legends 2022 Family Bonus: 1/2/3 Heroes: +10%/+15%/+20% attack. Bonus for 2+ Heroes: Element Link affects all allies.

Tahir Empires and Puzzles Hero Card Feat
Tahir Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

How Good is Tahir? (Empires and Puzzles)

I just published an amazing post that contained a bunch of countdowns, listing the hardest-hitting heroes in Empires and Puzzles.

And if published today, Tahir would snatch 10th place from Quenell and nudge her off the Highest Damage to a Single Target list.

The total damage score to his 525% slap, is 4,153.

What’s more, it’s not difficult to meet the conditions necessary to achieve that 525% slap-load of pain.

And even more, Tahir is Fast, and so will be ready to go again within a matter of game-world minutes!

I’m telling you, when I first saw Tahir in Beta Testing I thought he was a premium fighting, First-Class flying, Pinky-extending, son of a gun.

Don’t get me wrong, I was cordial and what-not, but didn’t see much of a future for us.

But when we finally got into battle together, it was awesome. We just clicked, you know? I set him up with a few easy dunks, and he even pointed back at me, shouting, “you the man!”.

I, of course, gestured back, as to tip my hat.

It was cool.

Anyway, after seeing his handy-work I was like, “what Family is this guy in?”. -Maybe, I’ll complete a never-ending Tower to get a spin and maybe, just maybe, I’ll get this guy.

But to my complete and utter surprise, he was a Hero of the Month!

All true.

Screenshot of Tahir at the Portal Empires and Puzzles

Considering Tahir’s Special Skills (Empires and Puzzles)

While last month’s HotM (Klaern) was a complete let-down, Tahir is actually a zappy little hitter who’s fun to play with.

Tahir has a default hit of 350%.

But if the target has a Status Ailment or a negative Stack, then he hits for 525%.

In my experience, it was easy to catch an enemy with an Ailment or wait a little bit, ’til you get the chance to inflict one.

The barrier to entry on that 525% felt really easy to meet in Raids. In fact, it was fun trying to orchestrate the thing.

That said, your lineup is the key to exploiting Tahir’s abilities. And that goes for Defense too.

Moving on, and Tahir will inflict his own Status Effect, should his initial target manage to stay alive:

  • Nearby enemies will Bleed 336 damage over 3 turns (112 per turn)

For reference, Klaern (the current HotM) gives us 205 Water damage over 5 turns on a Slow charge! (41 per turn).

Bera’s minions inflict 180 over 3 turns (60 per turn).

Jean-Francois does 302 over 2 turns (151 per turn).

And my C.Roc does 736 Sand damage over 4 turns (184 per turn).

Finally, we have an Element-Link which may become one of the most coveted, -as it could protect the entire team from Fiends for 4 turns (when the Family Bonus goes live and with one other 2022 HotM).

Even today, it will offer protection to a Mono or Stacked squad.

Tahir is a great package…

I have to highlight:

  • I love the fact that he’s a terrific Fire HotM
  • He has a decent Attack stat (791)
  • He has a fantastic Element Link (immune to new Fiends for 4 turns), ~Not insignificant
  • He heals for 50 HP whenever he receives a Status Ailment or negative Stack
  • He’s Resistant to Bleed damage, and
  • He’s a Ranger and so has a chance to bypass defensive buffs.

Just look at how much he brings to the party.

In these times of austerity, we need heroes who do more, for less. And Tahir’s definitely economically minded.

Tahir Vs. Empires & Puzzles

Tahir whacks for a decent amount:

HeroMana SpeedDamageSecondary
TahirFast (8 tiles)Deals 350% damage to the target and 525% if the target has Status Ailments or Neg StacksIf the target is still alive, the nearby enemies get 336 Bleed damage over 3 turns.
Captain NemoFast (8 tiles)Deals 300% damage to the target and 600% if the caster has Status Ailments or Neg StacksZero
ArfaniasFast (8 tiles)Deals 360% damage to the target (up to 550% under the right circumstances)Caster gets +75% chance to dodge Special Skills that deal damage for 3 turns
FenrirFast (8 tiles)Deals 320% damage to the target (up to 640% under the right circumstances)Caster gains mana for each enemy and minion killed. Caster heals for 50% of the damage
GaillardFast (8 tiles)Deals 540% damage to the targetAll allies are immune to effects/damage from Fiends, and to new Fiends, for 4 turns
C. SartanaFast (8 tiles)Deals 532% damage to the targetNiente
Mr. PengiFast (8 tiles)Deals 450% damage to the targetWill potentially hit another 15 times -up to 1,498% damage
LiannaFast (8 tiles)Deals 512% damage to targetNope
JoonFast (8 tiles)Deals 468% damage to targetTarget gets -40% accuracy
MagniFast (8 tiles)Deals 420% damage to targetCaster and NB allies get +63% defense for 4 turns
OldCynic.com – Tahir compared with similar heroes

Tahir delivers one hell of a punch. Sure, it will take a little setting up, but the payoff is huge.

I’ve always held, you need more than snipers in today’s Empires and Puzzles.

Yet still, Tahir stands in good stead with all his other skills and relations.

Captain Nemo is a nice comparison as his Special is very similar to Tahir’s. The major difference is, Nemo will hit for 600% if he has an Ailment, whereas Tahir will hit for 525% if the target has an Ailment.

And that makes all the difference in the World. All of a sudden, you can manipulate circumstances to meet your needs.

In addition, Tahir offers you Bleed damage, his other Skills, and that synergy-tastic Fiend protection.

He’s not Devana, but he’s at the bottom of that Class. He’s a fun, useful, and capable hero.

A great hero for F2P/C2P players in need of a decent Red (me).

Tahir Empires and Puzzles – Hero of the Month August 2022

My final thoughts:

Tahir is a fresh, dynamic hero who works especially well with others.

When you manage to get that super-slap outa him (which is easy to do), you feel like the smartest person in the room.

Just catch someone with a Defense-Down, then lick ’em with Tahir’s right hook. It’s marvellous.

It doesn’t matter who’s on the receiving end, be it Xnolphod, El Naddaha, or Hulda, they all die the same way; when their HP falls below the threshold of digital pixelation.

And Tahir will get them there real quick.

He’s a terrific sniper, and a very useful hero to own.

All that said, Tahir doesn’t do nearly enough to be considered amongst the best in the game, but that’s not the point.

He will help you extinguish the best in the game and that, I do believe, is the point.

Tahir could play a key role in the right squad who, with the right strategy, could bring down the Deities.

What do you think? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Hero Grade for Tahir (Empires and Puzzles)

So for my grading, the question is:

Is this hero’s Special capable of/likely to change the outcome of a battle? No.

If not, do they still bring enough to the party to help defeat the deities? Yes.

Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Archangel

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Copyright: oldcynic.com (including initial images)
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games

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  1. Having pulled Klaern TWICE this month I am not holding out much hope of getting this fella next month which is a shame, I would trade both my Klaerens for one Tahir.
    Oh well.
    Nice right up, thank you and I will continue to live more in hope than expectation.

    1. I love sun’s special, but even on max talent she still dies ever so quickly. So I mostly use eichgelborg instead, he’s a bit sturdyer. I hope to get this New one because he’ll be great to pare him with those indeed!

  2. This HOTM looks great!
    I am somehow always low on red 5* project, so this one will be a boon to get.
    Like that the HOTM’s have seen to get better lately (Klaern excluded) with Arfanias and Kara being good heroes

    Thanks again for the review!

  3. You forgot Gaillard post buff with 540% to a single target. I think worth the compare considering the anti-fiend element link.

  4. I like it, but as I got three Klaerns I do not have many hopes on this.
    Great article as usual, as you add the data, your analyses are rock solid.
    You can disagree with the results, but not with the data.

      1. Will take an eternity for me to level him, but i am glad that i got some spare rings that i can give to him:)

  5. I pulled him this morning and he’s leveled. As long as you have him paired nicely he works well. Hits hard but I’ll probably throw some emblems on him to get that attack beyond 800.

  6. sorry for spam under hotm but



    lu bu?

    no lb available but I could do full emblems on any of them. got tabards for one of them only

    1. C. G Panther is an easy choice for me. The Speed and Defense-Down at Fast is silly. Lu Bu looks much better after the buff and the two are top-end so you’re very lucky, but for me, the Speed gap is large and important.

      Of course, it depends on what you already have, your playstyle, etc etc. And, please get other views from your alliance, etc etc. This is not advice, just my opinion. Please sign here to say you agree with these terms:

      1. lol signed. thanks for your opinion. actually I guessed it right 😀

        the thing is… I love his design!! I know it’s silly to prefer a hero based on design (and it’s not like panther wouldn’t be awesome! 😛 )

        anyway I hate the slow speed, but one factor is that I also have zhuge liang that I could pair him with (still working on him). I don’t have any OP offensive heroes except already LB and emblemed Onyx, so doing Panther would kinda feel the same. With Lu Bu it would be a completely new game , new synergy to be discovered.
        I do have C.MN so she’s a pillar I have to build everything around. I probably can’t get a better hero for my defense and I don’t have any other good or even better (if it’s even possible) nature anyway.

        for holy it’s Hanitra and she’s amazing. outstanding synergy with Frosth (both LB) to give me extra mana and health

        Onyx is the one I’m using for dark (2nd choice is Ursena and she used to be an amazing hero but dropped to like C grade in year or so when they introduced so many new OP heroes…

        fire is Ferant and he’s a brutal beast. absolute game changer for me – his health is actually 2nd highest after c.mn (3rd is Franz). I still dream about some good fire hero though… (haven’t had much luck with fire – my strongest is cpt nemo lol)
        I have couple of fire LB fire legendaries and couple lvl4/80 but none of them are as useful on defense.

        with that said at this point I will have to keep c.mn ferant and frosth

        so could c.mn ferant and frosth work with lu bu and zhuge liang? Zhuge better than Hanitra and Lu better than Onyx?
        I can do LB Zhuge as soon as I ascend him, but not Lu Bu (0 aethers at this point)

        you know what I’m hoping for? that they will offer Elizabeth in SE… top teams almost never use her anymore and they have to start offering S4 at some point. they’ve become almost obsolete with the current meta, yet they are still too OP against my casual heroes (panther and lu bu were just lucky pulls… – I’m c2p)

        if Elizabeth was offered I would take her and imagine c.mn elizabeth zhuge liang frosth and lu bu 😀
        minions/fiends festival …
        but out of so many heroes out there I don’t think they will offer just the one I’m dreaming about…

        I will maybe do Zhuge first to see how his riposte minions will work with Ferant.

        but you are right. the speed is my biggest concern too. cmn zhuge and lu would mean 3 slow heroes on def and I don’t have any mana booster hero…

        1. I’m looking forward to the next Soul Exchange but I’m not ready to take part again after getting LotL last time out… But it will still be fun to see what’s on offer! Have a great day!

  7. Was playing Valhalla on hard mode to get enough coins for a free pull and accumulated 102. I rushed to the portal with visions of glory, hit the summon and out popped By-Ulf, but there was a hesitation and then Tahir emerged, too. Now to level him up and use him at 3.70 until I get mats to go further. I will let you know if he is as good as the reviews say he should be out in the wild. I have been very lucky with HotMs and have a streak going now back to Glenda (Nov. 2020). I missed Zulag or my streak would start with Malosi (April 2020). I missed out on the Telluria/Vela combo and only got Jean-Francois from Hero Academy 10 retraining. Before that it’s very sketchy being a F2P at that time. Love your reviews and eagerly await the next ones on the new S5 heroes dropping, the Bard family, Styx, Champions and whatever else is coming down the pike! Stay sarcastic and humorous, it sets you apart from all the others out there.

  8. I just got him!!! So I wanted to look online at what others think of him and stumbled upon this amazing blog! I’ve subscribed and I love the writing style! Keep posting the E&P content! I can’t wait to get him levelled up and into battle! 🙂

  9. I just pulled him/her with the Legends free token. Pleasantly surprised, and I have stuff to level him/her.

    Here’s my question: isn’t it time for a female HOTM? Klaern was male. Tahir has pretty powerful forearms, but also a pony tail. The title (nomadic hunter) doesn’t help us much. Isn’t she a she?

    1. Hey Stephen, I just go by the forum. Sometimes when the hero is an animal I might search the web for the name origin. Looking back at the old HotM they don’t necessarily alternate genders. There’s nothing on the forum and a web search says the name is a masculine name of Arabic origin. Happy to change genders as/when it’s required, just need something to verify it.

    1. No, he’s not been nerfed. You must remember I’m sharing my personal experience and point of view. It’s not the same for everybody and is subjective. Also, he’s rated as bottom-end archangel, although I do try and make the post entertaining!

  10. Have been running Tahir with C. Vivica on attack in the current tournament. The only problem I’ve had so far is deciding whom to obliterate first once Vivi fires off her special and Tahir is charged :-). Actually, you don’t even have to wait around for a status-ailment caster to launch their special to get the full effect of Tahir’s punishing snipe if you have a Barbarian or Sorcerer Class hero on the same line as him, since their Talents will eventually give someone an owie (bleed or mana drop) he can capitalize on. Very pleased with him as an offensive winger.

  11. Very happy to have pulled 2 of him as F2P 🙂

    He works great with Grimm (who I also have 2 of). Grimm then Tahir is a brutal hit, often a 1-hit KO! Sometimes a question of do I kill X, or do I hit Y and get the bleed on his neighbours… good fun combo anyway.

    * (Well, a 2-hit KO)

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