A Decent Pull [Satori]… But No MATS! (Empires & Puzzles)

Satori Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

I have to walk past Satori every day and deal with a cold vacant gaze of disappointment. He blames me, I know he does… for being unable to ascend him.

Don’t get me wrong, I knew he was fantastic on arrival, not because I’m the Old Cynic, but because he carries around this massive Trophy with him wherever he goes.

When he first arrived he was so vibrant, always wanting to bear hug it out.

But now his bubbly personality is buried behind his piercing judgmental eyes.

Our last conversation ended badly. He made accusations, said I was “wasting his prime”, and that if I wasn’t serious I “shouldn’t have pulled for him”…

Imagine that, telling me not to pull.

That’s like telling a kid not to Dream.

Well, following the argument, I decided to leave the safe haven of my near-empty alliance and venture out into the world.

And I’ve been slapping Titans silly ever since, hoping beyond hope that one of them would drop the magic elixir we both so desperately need.

What is the name of the precious item we seek?

The Farsight Telescope.

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


Satori Empires and Puzzles Materials Required Telescope

Satori, The Sumo Champion (Empires & Puzzles)

This whole situation has me acting out!

I’ve been hanging around the Mystic Vision Tower like it’s the tuck shop and I’m some overweight kid, again.

Yes, Satori is old news, but at the level I’m playing at he’ll definitely make a (Honda)-splash.

It all comes down to my tendency to ascend any old 5-Star scrub that turns up with a licence and a lunch box.

I need to do better on that front, gotta take responsibility for my pessimism, ’cause now what?

Now, I’m out here in the wind, rushing these Wanted Chests like a smoker rushing for the door after the morning shift, or a capitalist rushing towards their next opportunity to sell out humanity.

This ain’t a good look for me!

Some Ascensions lead directly to regret, especially when you later manage to grab a proper Hero fronting the capital “H”.

Satori at the Summon Portal

I need to do better at saving some mats for the real ones.

Satori waiting at the Front of the Queue

It’s unusual for me to be stuck levelling Heroes in this way but after a fair run of pulls, it is what it is.

I think it’s also the cost of being in a tiny alliance taking out puny Titans.

-It’s all well and good embarrassing some 2-Star Titan, but you ain’t gonna get anything out of it beyond a basic flex.

No one’s gonna be impressed with your super-tiger-uppercut if the victim is some cute gecko-looking hatchling.

Anyway, while I’m on the subject, I also pulled Bo & Runt. -I’m loving the chunky Minion, but he’s gonna have to wait as well.

Before you go, who do you have waiting for Ascension?

Let us know about it in the comments below!

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Copyright: oldcynic.com
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Screenshots by Old Cynic
Empires & Puzzles is owned by Small Giant Games/Zynga Games

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  1. I am waiting to further ascend my one and only 5* hero, Chomper. Yes, my only Legendary hero is a gerbil. We are desperately waiting for one more Invisible Dagger.

  2. Old Cynic I thought you retired from the game. It’s nice to see you’re still at it. I’ve enjoyed your humorous takes over the years. If ever you feel the urge to hit mightier Titans, come join The Fighting Chipmunks where we regularly tackle 14-star bohemoths.
    The Agonizer

    1. Hey Agonizer! Yes, semi-retired, but from writing about it (still playing). Thanks for the offer, I appreciate it, and for stopping by. Fighting Chipmunks is a great name!

  3. Old Cynic, may I respectfully suggest that you take a hard look at your Paladin heroes and consider resetting one? Satori is one hero who would be worth demoting someone else who is less robust.

    1. Thanks for the suggestion, Sartana! I don’t think you can take ascension mats from one hero to another…. Maybe I’m getting it wrong because it’s late here! That said, no one stands out. Thanks again!

  4. Hi OC! Congrats on Satori. I love mine and he sits on my defense with a five star troop. I just got lucky for the first time in four+ months. I had saved feeders, so now both Timius and Scoria sit at 3:70.

  5. NICE TO SEE YOU BACK. It’s funny, just earlier today i GOT SMACKED by this Satori! I have learned immeasurably with your earlier writings on the strategies, but I admit, they do change alot.
    good to see you writing on this game some again!

  6. Been f2p since I started over 6 years ago, never spent a cent. Have 49 level 80+ 5* heroes with another 8 awaiting feeder heroes that I want to level up. Mats are at: 29 blades, 24 scopes, 34 tonics, 68 rings, 32 tabards, 22 tomes. Will never be a whale, but will never be waiting on mats either. Not sure what the moral of this story is … or the point. I love your posts, enjoy the game.

  7. I can’t complain as (touch wood) I’ve never had to wait for ascension materials. I don’t pull 5* often enough!

    I do have Lodius sitting at 80, waiting to limit break. He’s been waiting a while, Sparklight was in the limit break queue ahead of him …

    I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on Bo & Runt, I pulled them and am leveling them now.

    1. I’ve just been unlucky in that regard. I don’t spend and haven’t for a long time but I guess my pulls have been luckier than I realise. I like Bo & Runt, the heavy minion reminds me of Devana. I don’t review heroes anymore but have a free group where you can get more opinions if you want.

      Thanks for visiting Truth!

  8. Waiting for ascension:
    Blue: Bubbles and Ceto
    Red: Sparklight, Xiouto, Cupido.
    Green; Moonflower, Gelert, Quinglong, C Archie, Spartoi
    Purple: Obakan Toon
    Yellow: Winnie, Avianz.

    I got 30 darts, no tabards, and 6 each of the other colours.

    I guess Sparklight comes first. After that – no idea….

  9. Here’s my waiting list:
    Dark: Odile, Juliani, Ahhotep, C1 Sabina, C2 Sartana, Maeve, C Proteus, Chocin, Para, Aderyn, Gill-Ra, Bjorn. Cupcake, C Prisca, Stonecleave, Jack, C Morris, Chesire Cat, Renfeld
    Holy: C White Rabbit, C2 Justice, C2 Li Xiu, Scoratek, Dolrak, Ithar, Bertulf, Candy, Joon
    Ice: Suzuna, Frida, Zila Lei, C1 Kiril’s C2 costume, Azmia, Helo, Captain of Diamonds, Jott, Boril, C. Gunnar, Nordri, Knuckles, Jarvur
    Nature: Leadria, Frigg, Zrola, Whacker, Noril, Dolgoon, Hisan, Mnesseus, C Mnesseus, C Isshtak, Yunan, Noril, C Gramps
    Fire: Zhabog, Li, Russell, Mack, G. Falcon, Sir Lancelot, Starswift, Bagreg, Basil, Phoenicus, Vollermork, Squire Wabbit

    I level my heroes so slowly that a lack of ascension materials is a non-issue.

  10. Thanks for this site by the way – and all the work.

    My bottleneck is those pesky Alpha Aethers, and the age it takes just to level up with feeders and food. Lately, I’ve been focusing on Costumes, getting them and leaping for joy if I pull 3 costumes for my already max level epic or legendary. Just got Vivica, and Richard is waiting too. Marjana and Elkanen have already changed my game. Toons all the way for me.

  11. Hold up. OC, you’re back playing this game? will there be more E&P post? I’ve stopped playing for months and only recently back trying to play FTP.

    1. Hey MIB! I didn’t stop initially but had to stop writing all those reviews and chasing the game in real-time (it was a massive energy burn). More recently, I have taken a break. I’m not sure if there will be more, time will tell.

      What game(s) have you been playing?
      How has the F2P trial worked out?

      1. I dont have other games I played. Just binge watching series on netflix. lol
        Day 4 of FTP, good so far as I managed to get Toon Justice with 2 pulls, the HOTM Sini with 1 pull. lol. SG trying hard to get me back in the game.

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