Royal Match: Train Journey [Guide & Tips]

Royal Match Train Journey Guide Pin

Train Journey is a new 10-day Royal Match event. Its setup and application resemble the Dragon’s Nest, but let’s examine it in a little more detail.

The cool thing about the Train Journey is that you’ll receive a new text style for your profile name upon completion.

The grand prize also includes a Red Card Pack for the Royal Card Collection.

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


Royal Match Train Journey Guide

The Royal Match Train Journey is a 10-day event where you and three friends work together to complete the Rail Track and reach the Grand Prize.

There are three Prize Chests to collect along the way:

Royal Match Train Journey Screenshot

How does it work?

After you’ve invited three friends to join (or sent out a Team Invite), your primary goal should be completing levels.

You will earn Trains by completing levels, which you can then use to Spin on the Train Journey Roulette Wheel.

The Roulette Wheel will land on a colour and move your Train Piece forward on the Game Board, collecting Rail Tokens that will be used to build the Rail Track to get you and your friends to your final destination: the Grand Prize!

Royal Match Train Journey Game Board Guide (Super Bonus)

The Train Journey Game is simple once you work out what’s going on.

Here is a screenshot of the Game Board and Roulette Wheel:

Royal Match Train Journey Puzzle Board and Roulette Wheel

When you press Spin, the Roulette Wheel will land on either Blue, Yellow, Green, or Red.

On the board, your Train Piece will then move to the next available box of that colour.

Once there, it will activate the box.

If you land on a box with a number on it, you will win that number of Rail Tokens, and your turn will end.

If you land on a box with an “x2” on it, the entire board will double in value, and you will be given another free Spin:

Royal Match Train Journey X2

If you land on a corner Bonus box, the rest of the board (besides the corner Bonus boxes) will be blanked out, and Rail Tokens will hover over them:

Royal Match Train Journey Puzzle Board Bonus Spin

You will then be given another free spin with the chance to collect Rail Tokens from around the board.

Bonus Rail Tokens are worth x5 of your original Spin Value for each square.

It is possible to land on an x2 box and double up the value of the board, and then on your free Spin, to land on a corner Super Bonus box, presenting the opportunity to win double for the free Bonus Spin:

Royal Match Train Journey Puzzle Board Bonus Spin Double X2

Super Bonus Rail Tokens are worth x10 of your original Spin Value for each square.

You can also choose to increase the value of each Spin by x1, x5, x10, x20, and x50 -just like you can with the Dragon’s Nest event.

Royal Match Train Journey Prizes (Guide & Tips)

As mentioned above, the prizes for the new Train Journey event are pretty solid.

The first Prize Chest you reach is Brown and contains:

  • One Green Card Pack
  • One Rocket
  • One TNT
  • One Light Ball
  • x50 Trains

The second Prize Chest you reach is Blue and contains:

  • One Blue Card Pack
  • One Rocket
  • One TNT
  • One Light Ball
  • One Arrow
  • One Cannon
  • x100 Trains

The third Prize Chest you reach is Red and contains:

  • One Purple Card Pack
  • One Rocket
  • One TNT
  • One Light Ball
  • One Royal Hammer
  • One Arrow
  • One Cannon
  • One Jester Hat

The final Prize Chest you reach is the Grand Prize Chest and contains:

  • One Profile Text Style
  • One Red Card Pack
  • 3000 Gold Coins
  • One TNT
  • One Light Ball
  • One Royal Hammer
  • One Arrow
  • One Cannon
  • One Jester Hat
Royal Match Train Journey Grand Prizes Style

Royal Match Help

My final thoughts:

At the time of writing, I am still working my way through the Train Journey event for the first time.

I’ll update this post if I discover any new information or errors.

The Train Journey is another good way for players to collect gold coins and resources for free.

If this guide has helped you, please tell your teammates about me!

And if you’re looking for Royal Match Tips, read this!

Images are screenshots (captured by OC) used by way of review/tutorial
Royal Match is owned by Dream Games

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  1. Does everybody do 50-50 or can team teammates do less? Does it work like dragon nest you split the cost in half of the dragon growth.

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