Royal Match: Royal League [Guide & Tips]


After beating Royal Match I smugly prepared to take my seat among the ascended masters in the Royal League, but once there, I was in for a shock.

In my first League, I lost over 130,000 Gold Coins!

I went from comfortably having over 160K Coins, all the way down to 27K. And as a Free-to-play player, that really hurt:

Royal Match Old Cynic Blog Account After Completion
Before the Royal League

I didn’t get a screenshot of the 27K, although I did capture 32K:

Royal Match Royal League Is Really Hard
After my first Royal League


I made a comeback and will share my Royal League tactics and strategy with you today:

Royal Match Royal League Coins and Profile
Today, on my third Royal League

This post draws from an entire year’s experience playing Royal Match and I would really appreciate it if you could share a link with your friends somewhere.

Thank you!

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


What Is The Royal League? (Royal Match’s End-Game)

The Royal League is the tournament you enter after completing all of the unique levels available in Royal Match.

It is the Royal Match “end-game”, but be warned, it can be ridiculously aggressive, and nigh-on impossible to play (at times).

Royal League Entrance Screenshot - Royal Match

Royal Match continuously gets new levels, so the qualifying number for the League is consistently growing.

In my case, I had to complete 8901 levels to gain access to the Royal League. Whereas today, it would be 9101.

Once there, you compete against 19 other players, beating as many levels as possible to earn prizes.

-I believe you are playing old levels you have already completed, but with fewer moves.

Royal League Tournament Screenshot - Royal Match 2
The Royal League Tournament Ranking Page

The tournament will end when new levels are added to the game. A countdown clock on the Royal League Ranking Page indicates the time left, as seen in the image above.

Unlike the normal game mode, in the Royal League, you will not have Areas to complete or Bonus levels to play:

Royal League No More Areas or Bonus Levels - Royal Match
The “Areas” button is replaced with your Royal League Rank

You can no longer earn free resources (Boosters and Coins) from these areas/levels as you did before.

…Meaning, that the Royal League can be extremely challenging as it drains your resources and rarely replaces them!

What is the Royal League? A Quick Summary:

  • The Royal League is a 20-player tournament
  • You enter the League once you have beaten all levels in Royal Match
  • Once in the League, you play old levels again with fewer moves
  • You don’t have Areas to complete or Bonus levels to play
  • It can get really tough and burn through all your Coins and Boosters!

Let’s cover the rewards next.

All Royal League Rewards Listed (Royal Match)

Here are the prizes and rewards available to win in the Royal League:

Royal League Rewards and Prizes Screenshot - Royal Match 2

1. 5,000 Coins
3,000 Coins
2,000 Coins
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers
X3 Hammers

Not great! Especially when considering the resources it can take to achieve victory.

(Only the top 10 players receive rewards.)

Royal League Tips (What I Wish I Knew) -Royal Match

I burned through a whole heap of resources on my first attempt at the Royal League, however, since then I have learned a simple strategy to mitigate the added difficulty.

In my first League, I was playing quite frequently in a bid to win the Royal League tournament for this guide, amassing a total of 1073 completed levels:

Royal League Tips to Win - My Victory - Royal Match
I won the Royal Match Royal League!

But winning the Royal League wasn’t worth the Coins and Boosters I used up.

I wasn’t playing smart, I was simply forcing my way through each level, not paying any mind to the fact that I wasn’t receiving free Boosters or Coins via Areas and Bonus levels.

On top of that, the puzzle algorithm felt unfriendly; with tiles seemingly less likely to offer good early matches and throughout the game, tiles seemingly less likely to align in a beneficial way.

This was especially the case the closer I got to the 1000 levels mark.

In short, I wasted 130,000 Coins because, without free resources, I found myself having to press Play On, over and over again!

My Royal League Tips (How I Turned Things Around):

Royal League Tip 1:
Slow down once you get into the Royal League and don’t worry about winning it (at least on your first attempt).

That’s because you’ll likely need to change your play-style and gaming schedule. That leads to my most important tip…

Royal League Tip 2:
Only play when events are on so your efforts contribute to Boosters and Coins in return.

For example, as I type, the Team Battle, Space Mission, and Duke’s Fortune are on. So now would be a great time to grind levels because you will also earn rewards from those events.

And as they coincide with Propeller Madness and Book of Treasure, you’ll earn even more.

That means, you’ll pick up Pre-game and In-game Boosters, which will help you complete levels without having to use Coins.

The absolute best time to grind out levels in the Royal League is when these Pre-game Boosters are lit up:

Note the free Rocket, TNT, and Light Ball

Outside of team events (where you have some obligation to contribute), or solo events with great rewards (like the Lava Quest), I would slow things down and keep an eye on your resources.

If they start to deplete due to tougher levels, stop playing and preserve your resources until another significant event is on.

Royal League Tip 3:
As for gameplay tips, I would suggest even more aggression when trying to clear boards.

I talk about aggression in my main Royal Match Tips, but with the League, you have to be even more relentless.

That means, take Light Ball+Rocket switches early, rather than Propellers. Don’t be precious about lining up the perfect match. In short, attack each stage as boldly as possible.

It doesn’t take much for things to get sticky and for the League to snatch your shirt, -so don’t waste time playing around!

Get in, grab the loot, and get out.

My Royal League Tips – A Quick Summary:

  1. Slow down once you get to the Royal League (take your time to become familiar with the changes)
  2. Try to limit your play to times when your efforts contribute to Boosters and Coins
  3. Keep an eye on your resources and consider taking a break if you’re frequently having to press “Play On”
  4. Be even more aggressive in your play-style and strategy (don’t linger on boards)

Royal Match: The Royal League

My final thoughts:

As a result of the changes I’ve made (following my own tips above), I’ve recovered much of my lost revenue!

The main difference I’ve found is that I tend to play one larger session in the morning (and maybe one in the evening) to make the most of all the new events and Boosters on offer, rather than 4 or 5 smaller sessions throughout the day.

I played around 800-900 levels on the second round of the Royal League, not too far off the 1073 it took to win it the first time.

I suspect I could win the Royal League again using this strategy as it seems to get easier and easier the more I implement it.

Anyway, it’s been fun and I hope it helps.

If you have any comments about the Royal League, I’d love to read them in the comments below!

Before you go, please help me by sharing this post with your teammates.

You can find more Royal Match, over here!

Keep Reading? How to Match More Than 5 Tiles to create a Light Ball.

Images are screenshots (captured by OC) used by way of review/tutorial
Royal Match is owned by Dream Games

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  1. You have not done 1073 levels unfortunately. Same rule at royal league, 5 crowns the super hard level, 3 crown the hard one and every level can be X2 when the double time is on. So basically like you dont get 1000 wheels per 1000 levels but much more.
    I was searching for some tips but this is not new to me.

  2. Thank you for posting. I agree with all of your observations and recommendations! I’m new to the royal league and was wondering if I was imagining the increased difficulty and the need to use more resources. I really appreciate your efforts to share your experiences online.

    1. Thank you, Lynn. Looking back, I wonder if it’s the first time in the League that’s so incredibly difficult.

      You definitely have to watch out when you don’t have any in-game Boosters because that’s when they come for you!

      Thank you for stopping by!

  3. I don’t understand how the system works, when giving coins for winning a level. At times you can blow right through a game and think you should receive alot of coins, but only get 10 and a few more when the game uses the remaining weapons that you have. Other times when winning a game, you’ll receive 150 plus what you receive from the remaining booster. My highest coin count is 205 from one round. Does anyone know what the secret is? I know playing multiple boosters in one move is good. I know that using your disco ball to collect red books is good. Same with helicopters. I use these strategies, but there isn’t a consistent pattern of how many coins you receive from the round 🤔 Are the coins given, just random, games choice or is there a strategy that I am missing. I am on level 9401 + 846 crowns..waiting for next levels to be designed. Is there a specific strategy to win more coins in a round?

    1. Hi Pamela, I cover this in my Royal Match Tips guide (Tip 9).

      That said, I only offer a basic overview (in summery): You get a random Booster for the number of turns left and it’s the number of tiles finally destroyed that determines the total coin count.

      Happy for others to weigh in with more detail or strategies.

      Thanks for stopping by Pamela.

  4. I’ve been playing level 1847 in royal match for days and can’t beat it. I have few coins and no boosters. How do I get through it?

    1. I need to write a post about this! Initially, keep plugging away without using anything hoping for a good board. Ideally, the Team Event (the one with the Green Wheel that was just on) is great for helping because you get those 15/30 minute free Boosters, -that’s the time to go hard if all else fails.

      The starting boards are random and some are much more favourable than others. Also, see if there’s anything useful in my Royal Match Tips, I try to cover a lot there (including gameplay strategies).

      Feel free to let me know when you beat it!

    2. I’ve been playing for 2 years and am on level 9701. More often than not, when I encounter a super difficult level, I have noticed if I just stop playing for a day or two, suspiciously, my first board back I can easily clear with moves to spare. I don’t know if there’s really something to this but it happens to me often!

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