Monster Island: Empires and Puzzles Guide

Monster Island Empires and Puzzles Guide with Heroes

Monster Island is a fresh and fun take on an Alliance-based Empires and Puzzles Event, distinct enough for me to go all out on a new monster post to cover it all.

The Monster Island Event is due to make its first appearance on Tuesday, 29th of November 2022 at 7 am, and will last until Friday, 2nd of December 2022 at 7 am (UTC time).

In this post, I’ll be outlining the Monster Island Event itself; sharing what we know thus far, while also cataloguing its illustrious list of associated Heroes.

But first, if you would be so kind, please take a moment to help me by sharing a link to this post, it really does help. Thank you!

UPDATE: The Monster Island Event will be initially released as a “Live Beta” and will only be rolled out to Alliances with an Alliance Score of 120,000 or more.

MENU (Empires and Puzzles Monster Island)
1. Monster Island Event Guide (Gameplay and Map)
2. Monster Island Energy Flags
3. Monster Island Enemies & Damage Received
4. Treasure Chests, Relic Chests and Chest Keys
5. Monster Island Scoring, Strategy, and Tips
6. Monster Island Event Heroes Bonus & Summons Portal
7. Plains Hunter Family Heroes
8. All 5 Star Plains Hunter Heroes
9. All 4 Star Plains Hunter Heroes
10. All 3 Star Plains Hunter Heroes
11. Abyss Hunter Family Heroes
12. All 5 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes
13. All 4 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes
14. All 3 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes
15. Jungle Hunter Family Heroes
16. All 5 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes
Hurricane (new)
17. All 4 Star Jungle Hunter Heroes
18. All 3 Star Jungle Hunter Heroes

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.


The Monster Island Event is still in Beta so details may change before release. Please check in-game to be sure.

Monster Island Event Guide | Empires and Puzzles

Empires and Puzzles’ Monster Island is an Alliance-based cooperative event where all Alliance members work together to explore the Island, defeat enemies, discover chests, and ultimately earn lots of points for the best end-of-event loot rewards.

It’s a whole new game within Empires and Puzzles, making for a dynamic shift away from the normal type of team gameplay we’ve previously been accustomed to.

To get the best from this Monster Island Event, you really need to be part of an active Alliance, because it will take some communication and cooperation to achieve the best results.

The goal of the Monster Island Event is to earn points for your Alliance by exploring the island, defeating enemies and opening Chests.

Alliances are assigned to a Difficulty Level based on their Alliance’s Titan rarity (Easy, Medium and Hard). Each Difficulty has a different leaderboard and the value of rewards will increase along with the difficulty.

The in-game Monster Island Welcome message

The real challenge is keeping enough Heroes alive for the duration of the Event!

These monsters cause Permanent Damage (reduced max health) that persists between Battles; so once your Heroes’ sparkly pixels die out, they’re gone forever…

…Nope, sorry. Overly dramatic; it’s just for the rest of the Event.

Even Mother North will have a hard time sustaining them with her Special Porridge, as revived Heroes get penalised with a further 50% reduced max health, for trying to play smart alec.

Monster Island Empires & Puzzles Gameplay Screen

When the Event begins, you’ll find the Monster Island icon on the left of the Event Quests screen, where you’d usually find the Tower Quest or Mythic Titan icons.

As you enter the Event, you’ll find a brand-new screen layout.

Along the top, you’ll see your Event Energy Flags, number of Keys, number of Chests, and the total Alliance Score.

Screenshot of the top of Monster Island screen showing flags, keys, chests and Alliance score.

Down the left-hand side, you’ll see a settings cog icon, map icon, relics icon, and magnify glass examine mode icon.

  • Settings Cog: Here you can toggle the Chatbox on and off, read the Event info, check the Leaderboards and Rewards, see your Alliance Info (Event History and Top Player Info), and inspect your Event Hero Roster.
  • Map: Here you can view the overall map with grid markers. Use this to help you navigate the map when your Alliance members discover new Monsters or Chests. Click to toggle it on and off.
  • Relics: As an Alliance, you will unlock Relics throughout the Event which will apply to all Alliance members’ Heroes. You can see the active Relics here.
  • Examine Mode: When you enter Examine Mode, you’ll be able to move around to examine the map without accidentally spending Energy Flags!
Screenshot of the Monster Island Menu options.

You’ll see your profile as a marker on a map made up of hexagon cells, along with markers for all of your Alliance buddies.

The sector of the map you’re currently in will show in the top right corner.

Below that, you’ll see your Alliance’s Log, a text box (like the war hits info box) that will populate with recent information on what has been found/revealed by all Alliance members.

This will include coordinates (sectors) of where enemies are residing, or where treasure has been found.

Use the Map or Examine Mode to help you find the coordinates, and see what’s been found earlier by viewing the full Log in Alliance Info via the Settings Cog.

Monster Island Event Map (Empires and Puzzles)

The whole map is divided into sectors, marked from A to I from left to right and 1 to 9 from top to bottom. The map consists of a large landmass surrounded by water with pools and lakes within it.

The map is made up of hexagon cells which can be one of the following:

  • Campsite: You can change your Hero Teams or Battle Items when you are on one of these cells.
  • Land: (Forest or Desert) A plain land cell with nothing to action while on the cell.
  • Sea: (Water) This marks the boundary of the current landmass. You can’t move onto or across a Sea cell without a connecting Land or Reef cell.
  • Reef: (Water with stones) These connect landmasses. You can move onto and across these cells.
  • Chests: These indicate found Treasure or Relics. They will need to be opened with Chest Keys (more info on this later).
  • Enemy Horde: One of the types of enemies for this Event. You can attack the Enemy Horde and defeating the horde has a chance of dropping a Chest Key. Once defeated a countdown timer will appear in its place until the Enemy Horde revives.
  • Apex Monster: The other type of enemy for this Event. You can attack the Apex Monster and defeating the monster will always drop a Chest Key.
  • Crossed/Blocked: Cells around a Monster Horde and Apex Monster cell are blocked until the enemy is defeated.

The majority of the map will be darkened and will need to be explored as an Alliance to open up.

You will begin on a Campsite cell within the Campsite Area of the map. You can only edit your Hero Teams and Battle Items while on a Campsite cell. Items used in Battles are refilled when you return to a Campsite cell.

Monster Island Energy Flags (E&P)

Moving and attacking enemies require Event-specific Monster Island Energy Flags. You will start with 500 Monster Island Energy Flags, and these will be replenished at intervals throughout the Event. You can store up to 1000 Flags, unused Flags above this amount will be lost.

Screenshot of the top of Monster Island screen showing flags, keys, chests and Alliance score.

Monster Island Energy Flags Consumption:

ActionFlags Used
Moving through each discovered cell1
Moving through each undiscovered cell25
Taking your 1st attack on an enemy10
Taking your 2nd attack on the same enemy25
Taking your 3rd attack on the same enemy40
Taking your 4th attack on the same enemy55
Taking additional attacks on the same enemy+15 – Moster Island Energy Flag Usage (Empires & Puzzles)

Moving around the map: Moving 1 step on a previously discovered cell consumes 1 Monster Island Energy Flag. Discovering an unexplored cell consumes 25 Flags.

Attacking Enemies: It takes at least 4 “attacks” (4 Raid Battles) to defeat a Monster Horde as there are 4 groups that will need defeating. An Apex Monster is like a Titan with a high HP requiring multiple hits to defeat.

Your first attack on a Monster Horde or Apex Monster will consume 10 Monster Island Energy Flags. Subsequent attacks you make on the same enemy will consume an additional 15 Flags, ie. 25 Flags for your second attack, 40 Flags for your third, 55 Flags for your fourth, etc.

The additional Flag consumption only applies to players attacking the same target. It will only consume 10 Monster Island Energy Flags for another Alliance member to take the second hit on that enemy.

Monster Island Enemies (Empires and Puzzles)

A Monster Horde in the Monster Island Event.

Monster Hordes:

Monster Hordes consist of 80 monsters randomly featuring all Element colours. You can face up to 20 monsters per attack, so the Monster Horde will last for at least 4 attacks, longer if you or another Alliance member fail to defeat all 20 monsters on their attack.

When the Battle starts, you will only see 3 monsters. More will appear as you take each turn, with a maximum total of 8 monsters at any one time.

As you defeat monsters more will appear until all 20 monsters are shown.

Horde Example - Empires and Puzzles Monster Island
The Horde – Empires and Puzzles

The Monster Horde Battle has a 10-minute countdown timer, shown at the top left of the Battle screen. You will need to try to defeat all 20 monsters within this time limit.

You’ll be able to see the remaining monster count at the top of the screen. If you fail to kill all 20 monsters, the number of monsters you’ve killed will still count; it will just take more attacks (and flags) to defeat the Monster Horde.

Each defeated monster is worth 489 points for your Alliance. Defeating all 20 monsters will earn you 9780 points.

Once a Monster Horde is defeated, after all 80 monsters have been killed, a countdown timer will show in its place showing when it will respawn.

Defeating a Monster Horde has a chance of earning your Alliance a Chest Key.

Monster Island Screenshot showing the Monster Horde respawn counter

Apex Monsters:

Screenshot of Monster Island Empires and Puzzles Apex Monster

Apex Monsters are like Titan Battles. You are attacking a single monster with a high HP level and the Battle lasts for 1 minute 30 seconds.

There are various Apex Monsters with different Elements and Special Skills.

You will be able to see the Apex Monster’s Element colour before entering the Battle, so you can go back to the Campsite Area and change-up your attack team accordingly.

You will earn 25% of your damage dealt as points for the Alliance. For example, if you deal a total of damage of 50,000, you will earn 12,500 points to add to the Alliance’s score.

It’s worth noting, defeating an Apex Monster will always result in a dropped Chest Key.

Here’s a table of the Apex Monsters you may encounter:

Apex Monster NameElementSpecial Skill
Carapace KaijuHolyBlade Tail Swipe: 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies get -20% attack for 4 turns. 3. The caster gets +40% Defense against Special Skills for 4 turns.
Bat DragonDarkDragon Claws: 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies get -26% accuracy for 4 turns. 3. The caster resists new negative Mana effects for 4 turns.
Brimstone BrutFireRockfall Bash: 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies get -20% Defense for 4 turns. 3. The caster is immune to new Status Ailments for 4 turns.
MegalocrocoNatureMonstrous Bite: 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies get -10% Mana generation for 4 turns. 3. The caster gets +19% Mana generation for 4 turns.
Behemoth FrogIceVenom Slash: 1. Deals 100% Damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies receive 584 Poison Damage over 4 turns. 3. The caster gets +26% Defense for 4 turns. – Table of Apex Monsters in Monster Island (based on Beta info in Hard level)

Monster Island Event: Receiving Damage

Any damage received by your Heroes during the Event will persist between attacks (Battles).

And 20% of the damage received will be applied as Permanent Damage, reducing your Hero’s max health which can’t be healed back during the Event.

Overhealers can help protect your Heroes from receiving Permanent Damage, but they can not revert any Permanent Damage already applied.

Using Minions can also help protect your Heroes from receiving Permanent Damage, but Minion owners receive +100% more damage, so you’ll need a strong continuous wall of them to be effective (this applies to any Hero with a Minion, not just Minion Summoners).

If your Hero dies during a Battle, they will remain dead for the duration of the Event, unless you revive them.

But, if you do revive a Hero, their remaining max HP will be reduced by 50%!

You can swap out your dead or wounded Heroes by visiting the Campsite Area at any point between Battles, but it will cost Monster Island Energy Flags to travel.

Treasure Chests, Relic Chests, and Chest Keys (Monster Island)

There are Treasure Chests and Relic Chests randomly scattered around the map.

As an Alliance, you’ll need to discover them and pick up Chest Keys to open them.

Treasure Chests contain loot which will be randomly distributed among all the Alliance members at the end of the Event.

The Treasure Chest loot includes things like Three Kingdom Coins, Tower Coins, Legends Coins, Emblems, 3* Ascension material, 1-4* Crafting and Battle items.

Images of the Monster Island Treasure Chests, closed and opened.

Relic Chests contain Relics that will Buff all Alliance members’ Heroes, from the point of opening the Relic Chest, for the remaining duration of the Event.

These relics work like the Relics we’ve seen in Season 5, Dune of Dynasty, or like the Blessings we see in Tower Events.

Relics include Buffs like + Attack, + Defense, + Critical Chance, + Mana generation, + healing from Special Skills, + power to Special Skills, Attack Stack, Counterattack, Minions, and Dodge among others.

There isn’t a limit to the number of Relics that can be found and used, and if your Alliance finds the same Relic more than once the power will increase. -Although, Minion Relics can only be collected once.

You can check on the active Relics by clicking on the Relics icon on the side menu.

Monster Island's in-game info on Relics

Chest Keys are collected from defeating enemies. Defeating Monster Hordes results in a chance of dropped Chest Keys, while Apex Monsters will always drop a Chest Key when defeated.

Keys found are shared among the Alliance and the number of keys available can be seen along the top of the map screen.

The same Chest Keys are used to open either a Treasure Chest or a Relic Chest and each key can only be used once.

Anyone can use the keys to open chests but it would be wise to communicate with your Alliance members before popping them open.

Monster Island Scoring, Strategy, and Tips

You can earn points for your Alliance in 3 ways:

  • Discovering new map cells
  • Attacking Monster Hordes
  • Attacking Apex Monsters

Each undiscovered cell you travel to or through adds 750 points to the Alliance’s Score.

Completing a full attack of defeating 20 Monsters of a Monster Horde earns 9780 points, or 489 points per Monster you manage to kill.

You earn 25% of the total damage dealt to an Apex Monster. To earn the equivalent amount of points as a full Monster Horde attack (9780 points), you will need to deal a total of 39,120 damage to the Apex Monster.

If you have lower-level players in your Alliance, they might consider whether they can cause that level of damage to a Titan. -It may be worth considering the best use of Flags.

For example, it may be worth allocating them to scouting duties, and reserving Energy Flags for higher hitters to do the bulk of the attacking. However, it needs discussion and agreement.

Ultimately, communicating with your Alliance will help you achieve a better score.

Every time an Alliance member discovers a Monster Horde, Apex Monster, or Chest, it’s logged at the top right of the map screen with their map coordinates.

Use this to help you find Monsters to attack, or Chests to open once you get hold of some Chest Keys.

Only recent activities will be shown in the box, but you can find the full log in the Setting Cog by clicking on Alliance Info.

It may be advantageous to prioritise opening Relic Chests, over Treasure Chests, to help you all survive longer and explore the map further. But that’s really a matter for you and your Alliance.

Finally, it’s worth noting that it takes fewer Monster Island Energy Flags to travel along already-discovered map cells than to travel the darkened undiscovered zones.

Raid Battle Overhealer Tip (Boosted Health on Monster Island)

As mentioned in the Monster Island Event: Receiving Damage section above. Overhealing (Boosted Healing) can be really helpful in this Event, assuming you have an Overhealer to hand.

In short, take Mana Potions with you and at the start of Battle, Overheal your team. This will provide a buffer against damage, and can result in leaving a Horde Battle without any permanent damage inflicted on your Heroes:

Horde Example Screenshort from Monster Island - Overhealer Tip Example of Overhealing on Monster Island (Esme)

Monster Island Event Hero Bonuses

There are 3 Hunter Families and they will receive a Bonus during the Monster Island Event.

The Monster Hunters Family, now renamed to the Plains Hunter Family (that we’ve already seen in the Covenant Portal), the Abyss Hunter Family, and the new Jungle Hunter Family.

All Heroes from all three of these Families will receive the following perks when played in the Monster Island Event:

  • +20% Attack, +20% Defense, +20% Health
  • 50% less permanent damage taken
  • Stack (Max 10): When this character casts their Special Skill, all enemies get -3% Defense

Monster Island Summoning Portal

There hasn’t been a Summoning Portal directly linked to this Event so far.

We have seen the Plains Hunter Family, aka Monster Hunter Family, in previous Covenant Summoning Portals.

The subsequent Abyss Hunter and Jungle Hunter Heroes have also been released at the Covenant Portal which appears in-game separate from the Monster Island Event.

I hope to update this section once more information is released.

Monster Hunter aka Plains Hunter Family Heroes

The Monster Hunter Heroes which have already been released through the Covenant Summoning Portal have now been renamed to the “Plains Hunter Family”. Here’s their Family Bonus:

Plains Hunter Family Bonus and Passive Skills

For 2/3/4/5 Heroes: +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% Attack.

These Plains Hunter Heroes also share the same 2 Passive Skills:

Passive Skill – Damage Over Time on Special: When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If the target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased by 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive Skill – Special Skill Damage Reduction: This character has a 10% chance to drop the direct damage received from Special Skills to 1.

There are currently a total of 13 Heroes in the Plains Hunters Family. 8 Legendary, 2 Epic, and 3 Rare.

Let’s check out the Heroes!

Monster Island Empires and Puzzles Image with words, All Plains Heroes

All 5 Star Plains Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There are eight 5-Star Heroes in the Plains Hunter Family.

Adalinda (Empires and Puzzles)

Screenshot of Adalinda from Empires and Puzzles Hero Card Small

Special Skills (Hunting Charge): 1. Deals 395% damage to the target and nearby. 2. Summons a Bone Trap Fiend for the target and nearby enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 45% attack each turn. The damage increases by 8% each turn (Max. 93%). 3. The Bone Trap Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of its owner’s max health. 4. The target and nearby enemies get -56% defense for 4 turns.

Class: Paladin Element: Ice (Blue), Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Adalinda

Adalinda is a powerful Hero that we’ve already covered!

She’s almost the perfect offensive weapon… well, she was when she first arrived.

But like a car driving out of the Showroom for the first time, the resell value will drop as new “perfect offensive weapons” appear in subsequent Portals behind her.

Still, you’ll be far stretched to find a better offensive Hero in Empires and Puzzles at the moment.

It’s simple but it works:

  1. Hit Hard
  2. Reduce Defense
  3. & Super Fiends are the Rims

Want more Adalinda? Read her full review here.

Hammertusk: Monster Island Empires and Puzzles

Hammertusk Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Demolishing Crush): 1. Deals 360% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. All damage the target and nearby enemies receives is increased by +50% for 4 turns.

Class: Barbarian Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Hammertusk

Hammertusk is another powerful hitter. 360% to 3 on Average is top-drawer stuff.

And the +50% in received damage will be devastating. Franz does a similar thing at Very Slow, but for 6 turns.

Hammertusk is another of these new world super Heroes, but he’ll also make a fantastic aid when slapping the teeth off some reckless Titan or Apex Monster. A Great Hero to own.

Ebba Empires and Puzzles

Ebba Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Flail Swing): 1. Deals 585% damage to the target. 2. Deals an additional 260% damage to as many random enemies as there are Fiends owned by enemies. The damage is reduced on consecutive hits. 3. All hit targets can’t cast any new status effects or stacks on enemies or allies for 4 turns. 4. All hit targets get -54% attack for 4 turns.

Class: Monk Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Ebba

A sniper with an edge.

Ebba just needs a Fiend Summoner alongside to create a complete bloodbath.

Although, at Slow, she really does need a set-up for it all to be worthwhile. And for that reason, she’ll be better in Raids than in Defense.

-It’s the sheer amount of potential damage that makes her formidable, and the more of that damage you secure, the more valuable she becomes.

Kai Empires and Puzzles

Kai Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Mantis Strike): 1. Deals 435% damage to the target. 2. Summons a Bone Trap Fiend for the target. The Fiend damages the enemy with 45% attack each turn. The damage increases by 8% each turn (Max. 93%). 3. The Bone Trap Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of its owner’s max health. 4. The target gets -50% decrease of any healing received for 3 turns. 5. Dispels buffs from the target at the end of each turn for 3 turns.

Class: Rogue Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Very Fast

Thoughts on Kai

I reviewed a bunch of these Plains Heroes already! Kai included. Fantastic.

I’ve been away for a while coz my tooth got infected.

It felt like I had one of Kai’s Fiends stuck to my head, -with all kinds of decreased healing going on.

The internet said I should’ve been off the painkillers after 3 days, but I was still popping them like smarties +2weeks in (drugs are serious, please see a doctor if req, this is a joke).

And my Dentists were on the run, dodging my calls like Kai’s Talent Class.

Finally, I got hold of someone who was as much help as Rigard Buffing while Kai’s 3-turn Dispel is active.

Anyway, I’m feeling much better now, which is great, coz I really need to be able to eat for Christmas!

Want more Kai? Read his full review here.

Waterpipe Empires and Puzzles

Waterpipe Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Harpoon Sentry): 1. Summons a Harpoon Sentry Minion for each ally with 12% HP and 20% attack inherited from the caster. 2. Each hit from a Harpoon Sentry Minion reduces the mana of the target by -5% and gives the target the following status ailments: 1. The target gets -30% Defense against Special Skills for 2 turns. 2. The target is immune to new Status Effect Buffs for 2 turns.

Class: Fighter Element: Ice (Blue) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Waterpipe

Waterpipe is a fantastic Hero… who I’ve already reviewed!

Want more Waterpipe? Read her full review here.

Cleaver Empires and Puzzles

Cleaver Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Bone Ritual): 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. Summons a Bone Trap Fiend for all enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 45% attack each turn. The damage increases by 8% each turn (Max. 93%). 3. The Bone Trap Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of its owner’s max health. 4. All enemies get -32% Attack, and a further 5% increase every time they are hit during 4 turns.

Class: Barbarian Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Fast

Thoughts on Cleaver

Cleaver would make a marvellous starter for Ebba’s finisher. Both are Fire though, so Raiding is where this makes sense.

I do like Fiends in general and expect to see even more development and evolution of the concept in future.

As for Cleaver, in isolation, he can be a solid annoyance, but he’s not going to win many Battles off his own work.

Hawthorn Empires and Puzzles

Hawthorn Empires and Puzzles Hero Card Small

Special Skills (Medicinal Fumes): 1. All allies regenerate 672 boosted health over 4 turns. Boosted health can exceed max HP. 2. All allies receive a moderate amount of mana over 4 turns. 3. All allies reflect status ailments for 4 turns.

Class: Cleric Element: Dark (Purple) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Hawthorn

OK, I have covered Hawthorn already, but there are still a few below that I haven’t. So stay tuned!

Want more Hawthorn? Read his full review here.

Malin Empires and Puzzles

Malin Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Wild Cleave): 1. Deals 325% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies receive 340 Bleed damage over 4 turns. Against Dark characters, this status effect becomes uncleansable and last 2 turns longer. 3. All enemies get -75% decrease for any healing received for 4 turns. Against Dark characters, this status effect becomes uncleansable and last 2 turns longer. 4. All enemies get -35% accuracy for 4 turns. Chance to miss also applies to Special Skills. Against Dark characters, this status effect becomes uncleansable and last 2 turns longer. 5. Deals extra damage against Dark.

Class: Monk Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Malin

I met Malin in the wild for the first time recently and she hit me with the backside of that spear like I was some next fool. ~Complete and utter disdain for my own personal sensibilities.

Got me doing that rapid blinking thing as I tried to rationalise my shame.

I don’t know what Troops some of you are running on your Slow Heroes but they’re as sensitive as a mouse trap.

Anyway, Malin is a nice Hero. Of course, Slow is Slow, but if you can get that Special out of her, it will be a real hindrance to the opposition.

All 4 Star Plains Hunter Heroes (Empires & Puzzles)

There are two 4-Star Heroes in the Plains Hunter Family.

Meadow Empires and Puzzles

Meadow Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Poison-Tipped Arrow): 1. Deals 265% damage to the target. 2. The target receives 404 Poison damage over 3 turns, starting low and increasing with every turn.

Class: Ranger Element: Dark (Purple) Mana Speed: Very Fast

Thoughts on Meadow

Alright, as per, the 4 and 3-Star Takes will be shorter coz… I got dinner in the microwave.

Meadow looks like a solid sniper at Very Fast, but not really for me. Not enough widespread work going on for me to play her in one of my teams.

Maheegan: Monster Island Empires and Puzzles

Maheegan Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Claws of the Hunter): 1. Deals 280% damage to the target and minor damage to nearby enemies. 2. Summons a Bone Trap Fiend for the target and nearby enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 45% attack each turn. The damage increases by 8% each turn (Max. 93%). 3. The Bone Trap Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of its owner’s max health.

Class: Monk Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Maheegan

Maheegan looks more like my style of Hero; decent damage and a Fiend slapped in a few faces.

Nothing outrageous, but a respectable 4-Star Fire to level.

All 3 Star Plains Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There are three 3-Star Heroes in the Plains Hunter Family.

Edelaide Empires and Puzzles

Edelaide Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Nomadic Hymn): 1. Recovers 26% health for all allies. 2. All allies get +195% attack and -35% accuracy which only applies when the enemy has more HP than the attacker. The effect lasts for 3 turns.

Class: Paladin Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Fast

Thoughts on Edelaide

Wow, +195% attack. Crazy number. Of course, my older readers will know I won’t abide that -35% accuracy malarkey.

Still, Edelaide looks fantastic for Titans.

Has she taken Bertulf’s crown as the best-budget 3-Star Attack Buffer?

Dawn Monster Island

Dawn Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Hunting Ballad): 1. Summons a Hunting Owl Minion for the caster and nearby allies with 10% HP and 20% attack inherited from the caster. 2. Each hit from a Hunting Owl Minion reduces the mana of the target by -6%. 3. The caster and nearby allies get +54% defense against Special Skills for 3 turns. 4. Cleanses status ailments from the caster and nearby allies.

Class: Cleric Element: Ice (Blue) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Dawn

I recently discussed the wonders of Dawn, surely one of the best 3-Star Heroes currently in the game.

She’s always busy busting ass and taking names for my 3-Star Raid Team and I can’t see that changing any time soon.

Fianna Empires and Puzzles

Fianna Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Bone Arrow): 1. Deals 225% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. Summons a Bone Trap Fiend for the target and nearby enemies. The Fiend damages the enemy with 45% attack each turn. The damage increases by 8% each turn (Max. 93%). 3. The Bone Trap Fiend absorbs healing and disappears when it has absorbed health equal to 35% of its owner’s max health.

Class: Ranger Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Fianna

Fianna looks really strong to me:

225% to 3 on an Average speed outdoes many of the older 3-Star giants, like C. Isshtak and C. Karil. Even with C. Bjorn in mind, she looks strong.

Plus a nice plump Fiend to stick on their heads? I’d love to get her.

New Abyss Hunter Heroes – Monster Island Empires and Puzzles

A new Family of Heroes are featured in this Monster Island Event; the Abyss Hunter Family.

This information is based on Beta and is subject to change.

Let’s take a look at their Family Bonus and Passive:

Abyss Hunter Family Bonus and Passive Skills

For 2/3/4/5 Heroes: +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% Defense.

These Abyss Hunter Heroes also share the same 2 Passive Skills, one of which is the same as the Plains Hunter Family:

Passive Skill – Damage Over Time on Special: When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If the target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased by 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive Skill – Hunter’s Sense: When this character casts their Special Skill, they transfer the newest Status Ailment from themself to the target. If the Special Skill can not target an enemy, a random enemy is chosen instead. If this character has no Status Ailments, they recover X% health.

The value of X changes depending on the Hero’s Mana Speed: Very Fast = 3%, Fast = 5%, Average = 8%, Slow = 12%, Very Slow = 12%.

There are a total of 4 Heroes introduced for the Abyss Hunter Family, 2 Legendary, 1 Epic, and 1 Rare.

Let’s take a look!

Monster Island Empires and Puzzles Image with words, All Abyss Heroes

All 5 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There are two 5-Star Heroes in the Abyss Hunter Family.

Goretooth Monster Island (Empires and Puzzles)

Goretooth Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Titantooth Blade): 1. Deals 430% damage to the target. 2. The target gets -45% Defense for 2 turns. The defense decreases by -15% each turn up to -60%. 3. The target can’t gain Mana for 2 turns.

Class: Fighter Element: Dark (Purple) Mana Speed: Very Fast

Thoughts on Goretooth

Goretooth is a very decent sniper, given his Speed. But there’s nothing crazy going on here. The most notable thing is the Mana suspension.

Perfectly timed, Goretooth could really hurt his Target… But here’s the major problem:

With Heroes like Anne and Alucard and M&M and C. Guardian Panther, -who’s currently picking off one Hero at a time?

I like Goretooth for Raiding and singling out a particular Hero to Off, but overall, there are other elite Heroes I’d prefer.

Otis Empires and Puzzles

Otis Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Dauntless Bladestorm): 1. Deals 370% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies receive 543 Bleed Damage over 4 turns, starting low and increasing with each turn. 3. All enemies get -70% decrease for any healing received for 4 turns. The healing received decreases by -10% each turn, up to -100%.

Class: Barbarian Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Otis

Otis is a Malin Mark-II as far as I can see.

He’s got a powerful hit along with a substantial DOT infliction. Otis also has the potential of up to -100% decreased healing.

Overall, a strong Hero who creates lots of problems for the enemy.

Staintongue Empires and Puzzles

Staintongue Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Mallet Swing of the Beast): 1. Deals 330% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. The target and nearby enemies get -30% accuracy for 3 turns. The accuracy decreases by -10% each turn, up to -50%. 3. The target and nearby enemies receive 342 Poison damage over 3 turns.

Class: Paladin Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Fast

Thoughts on Staintongue

Staintongue is a new addition to the Abyss Hunter Family.

Find his full review, here!

Dabria Empires and Puzzles

Dabria Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Liturgy of the Fallen): 1. Each fallen ally has a 40% chance to get revived with 20% HP. 2. All allies regenerate 894 HP over 4 turns, starting low and increasing every turn. 3. All allies get +24% Defense for 4 turns. The Defense increases by 10% each turn, up to +54%.

Class: Monk Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Dabria

Dabria is a new addition to the Abyss Hunter Family.

Sorrow Empires and Puzzles

Sorrow Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Icebound Ritual): 1. Summons 2 Icebound Sickle Minions for the caster and nearby allies with 15% HP and 30% attack inherited from the caster. 2. When summoned, the Icebound Sickle Minion gives +45% attack for its owner for as long as the owner has Icebound Sickle Minions. The attack increases by 5% each turn, up to +60% (can’t be cleansed). 3. When the Icebound Sickle Minion is destroyed, it deals 135 damage to all enemies.

Class: Sorcerer Element: Ice (Blue) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Sorrow

Sorrow is a new addition to the Abyss Hunter Family. Find her full review here!

All 4 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes (Monster Island)

There is one 4-Star Hero in the Abyss Hunter Family.

Bogart Monster Island

Bogart Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Bone Club Clonk): 1. Deals 305% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. The target and nearby enemies get -35% Defense for 3 turns. The defense decreases by -10% each turn, up to -55%.

Class: Paladin Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Bogart

Bogart is a bit of a monster as 4-Star Heroes go.

That 305% is to 3 targets (as opposed to Minor damage to nearby), and the reduced Defense is handy (at -35%).

Numbskull Monster Island

Numbskull Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Cracked Skull Strike): 1. Deals 100% damage to all enemies. 2. Summons a Bone Skull Minion for each ally with 12% HP and 15% attack inherited from the caster. 3. When the Bone Skull Minion is destroyed, it deals 55 damage to all enemies.

Class: Fighter Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Numbskull

Numbskull is a new addition to the Abyss Hunter Family.

All 3 Star Abyss Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There is one 3-Star Hero in the Abyss Hunter Family.

Basil Empires and Puzzles

Basil Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Squeak of Protection): 1. All allies share received damage with each other for 4 turns. 2. All allies get +35% Defense for 4 turns. The defense increases by +10% each turn, up to +65%. 3. All allies counterattack with 70% of the damage received for 4 turns. The counterattack damage increases by +10% each turn, up to +100%.

Class: Druid Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Basil

Basil mixes shared damage with counterattack at Slow.

It’s an interesting cocktail.

Now I’m trying to think of a 3-Star counterattack Hero, and I can’t.

Is this the first? If so, Rush Wars have a new champion.

Hold up, Jing from the WotTK has a Minion that grants him counterattack.

Basil looks like a great Hero for 3-Star tournaments.

Greel Empires and Puzzles

Greel Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Stubby Reap): 1. Deals 210% damage to all enemies. 2. Deals 315% damage to enemies with less than 50% health remaining. 3. The caster gains +20% mana for each enemy defeated by the attack.

Class: Barbarian Element: Dark (Purple) Mana Speed: Very Slow

Thoughts on Greel

Greel is a new addition to the Abyss Hunter Family.

New Jungle Hunter Heroes – Monster Island Empires and Puzzles

A new Family of Heroes have been introduced at the Covenant Portal for this Monster Island Event; the Jungle Hunter Family.

Let’s take a look at their Family Bonus and Passive:

Jungle Hunter Family Bonus and Passive Skills

For 2/3/4/5 Heroes: +5%/+10%/+15%/+20% HP.

These Abyss Hunter Heroes also share the same 2 Passive Skills, one of which is the same as the other Hunter Families:

Passive Skill – Damage Over Time on Special: When this character casts their Special Skill, they give a Hunter’s Mark on a random enemy. The target receives 150 damage over 3 turns. If the target already has this effect, the duration will be refreshed and the damage will be increased by 150, up to 1500 damage in total.

Passive Skill – Hunter’s Vigor: When this character casts their Special Skill, they get +20% Attack for 3 turns. This effect can be active in addition to other effects that alter Attack.

There are currently 6 Heroes in the Jungle Hunter Family.

Let’s take a look!

All 5 Star Jungle Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There are currently four 5-Star Heroes in the Jungle Hunter Family.

Mistweaver Jungle Hunter (Empires and Puzzles)

Mistweaver Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Misty Punches): 1. Deals 350% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. The target and nearby enemies resist healing and receive 220 damage per each resisted healing for 4 turns. 3. Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +15% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Monk Element: Nature (Green) Mana Speed: Fast

Thoughts on Mistweaver

Mistweaver is a new addition to the Monster Island Heroes and part of the new Jungle Family.

Bonecrusher Empires and Puzzles

Bonecrusher Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Fury of the Silverback): 1. Deals 540% damage to the target. 2. The damage is increased by 30% per each living ally of the caster. 3. Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +15% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Barbarian Element: Fire (Red) Mana Speed: Fast

Thoughts on Bonecrusher

Bonecrusher is a new addition to the Monster Island Heroes and part of the new Jungle Family.

Thunderclap Empires and Puzzles

Thunderclap Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Warcry of the Jungle): 1. The caster gets Taunt which prevents enemies from using Special Skills on the caster’s allies for 5 turns. 2. The caster regenerates 1250 Boosted health over 5 turns (can exceed max HP). 3. Deals 500-1000 damage to all enemies after 5 turns, based on the damage the caster had taken while this effect was active (the maximum effect is achieved upon taking 50% of max health in damage). 4. Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +25% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Fighter Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Slow

Thoughts on Thunderclap

Thunderclap is a new addition to the Jungle Family. Find his full review here!

Hurricane Empires and Puzzles

Hurricane Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Firestone Daggers): 1. Deals 410% damage to the target and nearby enemies. 2. The duration of Status Ailments is reset for the target and nearby enemies. 3. The target and nearby enemies receive 904 Burn damage over 4 turns. The caster absorbs 50% of dealt Burn damage as health. 4. Stack (max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Rogue Element: Dark (Purple) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Hurricane

Hurricane is a new addition to the Jungle Family. You can find his full review here!

All 4 Star Jungle Hunter Heroes (Monster Island)

There is one 4-Star Hero in the Jungle Hunter Family.

Knuckles Monster Island

Knuckles Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Jungle Riposte): 1. All allies get +30% Defense, and a further 3% increase every time they are hit during 4 turns. 2. All allies reflect Status Ailments and negative Stacks for 4 turns. 3. Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Paladin Element: Ice (Blue) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Knuckles

Knuckles is a new addition to the Jungle Hunter Family.

All 3 Star Jungle Hunter Heroes (Empires and Puzzles)

There is one 3-Star Hero in the Jungle Hunter Family.

Cedar Empires and Puzzles

Cedar Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Special Skills (Titanbone Chain Slash): 1. Deals 175% damage to all enemies. 2. All enemies get -15% accuracy, and a further -2% decrease every time they are hit during 4 turns, up to -35% accuracy. 3. Stack (Max 10): The caster gets +20% attack against the weaker element.

Class: Ranger Element: Holy (Yellow) Mana Speed: Average

Thoughts on Cedar

Cedar is a new addition to the Jungle Hunter Family.

Monster Island Empires and Puzzles Poster – Monster Island Poster, Small Giant

Monster Island – Empires and Puzzles Guide & Review

That’s it! A real monster of a post.

The Monster Island Event is something a little different, which should prove to be a lot of fun.

There are loads of Heroes involved, -some of whom are incredibly powerful.

What are your thoughts on this Event and its Heroes? Let me know in the comments below.

Spot an error? Just let me know and I’ll update it.

Enjoyed the post? then help me! – Share it with your alliance!

Want more Empires and Puzzles? Click here.

Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant/Zynga Games

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  1. In the Puzzle Combat version of Monster Island, there are 10 relic chests and 10 treasure chests total. Neither are unrestricted. Each of the 10 apex monsters will drop a key when kill. 10 of the 40 hordes will drop a key the first time they are killed. Keys are not available from respawned hordes. I expect the same with the E&P. The only difference from what I’ve seen from the E&P descriptions and what I’ve seen in the 4 times they have had this event in PC is the health penalty and those are similar. I’m even expecting the same map for the two events.

  2. I wonder what the difficulty level is, are rares gonna be enough for hordes or is it going to require tons of epic and legendaries to complete?

  3. Thanks for the content, nice overview!

    The event itself though…
    Played this in Puzzle Combat as well. I find it awful. Takes a lot of time, coordination and the monster fights are pretty boring. Also not fun slowly losing your heroes, especially with a small roster.

    1. It is the most involved event they’ve held, but this guide could really do with some images! I’ll be adding key-images after they publish the event (can’t use Beta images).

      In short, you’re exploring an island with your alliance and collecting things till you run out of moves. Of course, there’s a lot more to it, but that’s the jist of it.

      In my opinion, this event will require a solid level of investment from the alliance to achieve the best possible scores.

      1. It would be helpful for future if you got the picture of each Apex monster as to view the name of the apex, you have to actually go there and then you can view. I’ve brought wrong team element to the apex a couple of times. lol.

  4. Cheers for this.
    I have just completed a round of energy, I was puzzled by what was I meant to be doing to start with but thanks to this guide got to grips with it. Having found a horde of monsters I gave battle and killed off 74 out of 80 before my energy ran out.
    Overall I enjoyed this a lot, way more fun that W3K which I regard as a waster of time.
    Good work from the game creators.

  5. I’m hoping you can answer this for me please. My alliance was not able to participate in the Monster Island Quest. The message basically says that we were not active during the preparation phase. We have a small alliance of 10 members but we are active in Wars, Titans, and other quest so I’m a little confused as to what is meant by “not active”. I hope this isn’t going to be a quest only for the Super Alliances. Any info you can pass on would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your work and info on this site.

    1. Hey Corey, they decided to launch Monster Island as a Beta project, and what we saw with it was a limiting of the number of Alliances involved.

      They set a cut off point of 120,000 (Alliance Score) for this time ‘round.

      I’m guessing your Alliance didn’t meet the requirement. Sorry. Hopefully, you’ll be able to participate next time.

    2. Hi Corey
      I read your post with interest, as we are currently trying to recruit some people to get a full alliance. We were and still are a fun and active (but not competitive, not hard spenders there) alliance but time flies and some people get trapped in real life ^^
      Would you consider a merge with our alliance ?
      We are 17, from worldwide, beating 8* titan and some 9 depending on the color. It could be great to join our force for better rewards on titan, mythic titan, monster island, and unlock quickly the clash of knight hard mode for instance.
      Feel free to ask question or give a try, we are “Valhalla Uprising” and I’m Speculoos

  6. As someone else said – Read your post, got a headache. Then went and tried to play Monster Island. Too much of too much. The devs have gone overboard and when our home screen is being inundated with events and challenges and normal stuff – they go and throw in what is likely a game unto itself. Most of our alliance tried once and said “It smells like doodoo.” And it does. Next time around we will skip it. Not enough reward for the time, energy and resources consumed. Sound familiar Mystical Titans?

  7. Fun? Maybe with some tweaks. Currently it’s a meh. Rewards look extra meager as is. Too difficult to navigate, and they need a move undo option. Will the board roll over each month/interval? Or will it be continuously available with dormant periods.

  8. After the initial confusion our alliance liked it quite well and are the moment dcussing how to improve our tactics to get better results.

  9. I had a lot of fun in Monster Island despite its flaws. If anything, it taught me how important overhealers are when facing hordes. M&M and Sanngrior played a very important role in keeping my mono Ice team’s HP up across multiple horde attacks without me having to go back to camp and swap out the corpses of my dead heroes.

    The test rewards aren’t even bad – I think they were much better than the beta loot (heck, even the finalised loot) from W3K.

    I look forward to the next run of Monster Island, where I can further optimise the way I hop around one part of the island.

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