E&P Breaking News: Winter Nerfs & Buffs

I’m not one for using the “Breaking News” banner, however, I wanted to separate this post from my usual monthly roundup.
If you didn’t already know, this morning SG announced a bunch of Nerfs and Buffs. But those following my Top Defense Team updates, shouldn’t be too surprised.
That said, my job today is to share the news, try to break down its impact, and open the floor for you to have your say.
AGENDA (Empires and Puzzle News)
1. E&P Balance Update, Feb 2022: The Nerf of C. Krampus, Christmas Family, and more.
Wanna read the last Magazine?

This post may contain speculation, personal opinion, and adult comedy. It is not advice and is solely for entertainment and informational purposes.
Empires and Puzzles News
Feb 2022 Balance Update – Empires and Puzzles Nerf & Buffs
Before we get into the actual Nerfs & Buffs, it’s worth taking a look at the last Defense Heroes List. This is for January:
10. Bera ☆ (9 appearances)
8. C.Santa Claus ☆ (10)
8. Mother North ☆ (10)
7. Odin ↓1 (11)
5. C.Mother North ☆ (14)
5. Frigg ↓2 (14)
4. Elizabeth ↓3 (19)
3. Mr. Pengi ☆ (21)
2. Xnolphod ↑6 (22)
1. C.Krampus – (34)
That’s 5 out of the Top 10 that are from the Winter Family.
& here’s the month prior (December):
10. Ludwig 9. Hannah 8. Octros 7. Xnolphod 6. Odin 5. C.Kadilen 4. Morel 3. Frigg 1. Elizabeth 1. C.Krampus
Now, SG isn’t coming to the Old Cynic to find out who’s dominating Defenses, -their internal data should be clear and precise.
And, I suspect, even more striking.
We learned from their statement this morning that they’ve been “closely monitoring the power of the Winter Family…”, and their data “chillingly indicates that these heroes are increasingly becoming an oppressive force in PvP battles, particularly… Defense Teams.”
SG have explained their actions and here’s the result:
All Family Bonus Nerfs & Buffs (Empires and Puzzles)
Along with some individual heroes, a few Families also received an update:
Family | Change (Nerf / Buff) |
Winter Family | 1. Family Bonus: From +5%/10% to +2%/3% health for all Minions |
Starfall Family | 1. Family Bonus: From 25%/50% for 2/3 heroes to 50%/75%/100% for 1/2/3 heroes (chance to cleanse ailment) |
Magic Family | 1. Family Bonus: From 40%/60% for 2/3 heroes to 50%/75%/100% for 1/2/3 heroes (mana bonus) 2. Passives: Now Passives affect all targets |
All Hero Nerfs & Buffs in the Feb 2022 Balance Update
Here are the heroes:
Hero | Change (Nerf / Buff) |
Costumed Krampus | 1. Attack: From 651 to 766 2. Defense: From 880 to 799 3. Health: From 1558 to 1451 4. Class: From Rogue to Barbarian 5. Taunt: From 4 turns to 3 turns 6. Special: From +50% Defense for 4 turns, to +30 Defense for 3 turns 7. Special: From All allies get a Bonus attack for 4 turns, to 3 turns |
Winter Family Heroes with Minions | 1. Elf Minion: From 10% HP to 7% HP |
Director Zuri | 1. Special: From Heal lowest HP ally for 60% to 65% 2. Special: From Heal other allies for 37%, to 42% 3. Minion: From 13% HP & 20% attack, to 15% HP & 22% attack |
Eiora & Fluffy | 1. Special: From 530% damage to 600% 2. Special: From Max health reduction of 304 to 404 |
Emilio | 1. Attack: From 745 to 751 2. Special: Burn damage (with Burn) from 360 to 415 3. Special: Burn damage (without Burn) from 270 to 365 |
Theobald | 1. Special: Damage to enemy with highest HP from 375%, to 405% 2. Special: Damage to all other enemies from 230% to 260% 3. Special: From +50% attack to +45% attack plus a further +20% each time they are hit (4 turns) |
Agrafena | 1. Magic charge 1: From -15% attack, to -20% 2. Magic charge 1: From -15% defense to -20% 3. Magic charge 2: From +50% attack to +45% attack plus a further +20% each time they are hit (6 turns) 4. Magic charge 2: From +68% defense to +54% defense plus a further +5% each time they are hit (6 turns) 5. Magic charge 2: HP regeneration from 1218 HP to 1428 |
Anastasia | 1. Magic charge 1: Minions – From 8% HP & 17% Attack to From 13% HP & 20% Attack 2. Magic charge 2: Added 235% direct damage to all |
Anton | 1. Magic charge 1: From 185% damage to 250% 2. Magic charge 1: Hit accuracy from 50% to 60% 3. Magic charge 2: From 34% Revive chance to 44% 4. Magic charge 2: Allies Revive -From 30% to 40% HP |
Cristobal | 1. Magic charge 1: From 235% damage to 250% 2. Magic charge 1: If target has less than 50% HP – From 400% damage to 500% 3. Magic charge 2: From 200% damage to 215% 4. Magic charge 2: If target has less than 50% HP – From 400% damage to 430% |
Dolgoon | 1. Magic charge 1: Shared damage from 2 turns to 3 turns 2. Magic charge 1: Get +63% defense from 2 turns to 3 turns |
Milena | 1. Magic charge 1: From heal for 20% to 25% 2. Magic charge 2: From 390% damage to 420% |
Motega | 1. Attack: From 766 to 756 2. Defense: From 766 to 756 3. Magic charge 1: Minions – From 8% HP & 17% Attack, to 14% HP & 20% Attack 4. Magic charge 1: Minion hit +20% damage from 2 turns, to 3 turns 5. Magic charge 2: Fiends absorb healing -From 30% to 50% of max HP |
Nadezhda | 1. Magic charge 2: From 34% Revive chance to 44% 2. Magic charge 2: Allies Revive -From 30% to 40% HP 3. Magic charge 2: HP regeneration from 609 to 714 |
Costumed Krampus Gets Nerfed (Empires and Puzzles)
Costumed Krampus was the fall guy here, receiving a significant nerf.
In addition, he’s also lost out on the Winter Family Bonus (due to its nerf).
Krampus has long been a Defensive barrier, and the nerfing of his Costume will likely see a return to the use of his Base outfit.
Irregardless, anytime you have a prominent hero nerfed in this way, people will be upset. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.
All of the Winter Family heroes suffered today, including the 3/4-Star heroes, who stand to lose out on the strength of their Minions.
The Hero Buffs
There are loads… loads of buffs, and strong at that…
The Magic family are well taken care of, with Motega, Nadezhda, and Cristobal, all doing particularly well.
The already highly regarded Anastasia, actually got a serious buffing and could be mistaken for a 5-Star hero now.
Oh, and Director Zuri, -a Deity, is even stronger now.
Finally, alongside all these changes, some of the later Season IV provinces were also made a little easier.
We can expect to see all of these changes implemented tomorrow (8th Feb).
Share your thoughts
The impact of this update will be felt for some time to come, and I look forward to updating my Top Defense List nearer the end of the month.
For now, please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below, while I get on with the business of updating all these heroes.
By the way, the War Of The Three Kingdoms has started. I’m in the Shu Kingdom!
[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]
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Copyright: oldcynic.com
Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games/Zynga Games
Changing Krampus from Rogue to Barbarian is significant too. Nothing more crushing than to set up a perfect attack and have Krampus dodge on top of all his other strengths.
Wow!!! Just learned this on your page and wow!!! What a nerf!!! That sucks for C.Krampus. Personally, my is still at level 1.
Deservedly so, as Xmas heroes were dominating all defenses. I’m not sure if C Krampus needed this many nerfs, especially since Pengi + all the minions was the real problem and Pengi didn’t get any nerfs. But still welcome. The magic tower heroes kind of sucked as their first charge was weak and their second charge made them slow heroes, without the benefit of actually bein usable in rush wars and tournaments.
I understand that the christmas heroes were too strong but I truly hate large nerfs in a game like this where it takes so much time and resources to upgrade a hero. And these Krampus nerfs in particular are huge seemingly taking him out as a viable option altogether rather than trying to tone him down a bit.
Irregardless? Bruh…
Haha, I knew it would hurt someone.
Irregardless is my favorite word for all the pain it causes people who think language has hard and fast rules. Made my day to see you use it.
I’m glad Nadezhda got a good boost on her 2nd charge. The 44% revive along with the others buffs make her better. But that 1st charge in my opinion is just useless. Make that self-revive go for 3 turns or that tiny fire damage go for all instead of just one -would really help. Maybe they may make more changes to her. Fingers crossed.
You know, I spent a ton of money to get these Christmas heros. I even spent money on food bundles and trainer heros, along with other resources to level him up, plus used my limit breaker for Krampus . Now they decide to destroy him, what a joke. I’m tired of spending money to chase heros and then see a month later they have been nerfed! I’m done spending money on this game. I’m not even sure I care to play anymore.
Same boat Joe. I can put all that money I spend on this game into crypto or stock market and at least see it grow rather than get more 3* heros. It’s only been the social aspect that has kept me this long, and those krampus nerfs on the ONLY Christmas hero I’ve ever gotten just really killed me.
Hello Old Cynic,
“Irregardless” <— my first thought: “oh! Are we allowed to use this again?” Hahaha…
The nerf on Krampus is not being taken very well. I checked the fora after I read this post in the morning, and oh my!!!! And I can understand why this would anger people. I am just trying to imagine if I were one of the lucky ones who had the good fortune to pull him, and this happened: unbridled rage and all the irrational explosions that go with it!!!
I really thought that after the Telluria/Vela debacle, this kind of undesirable nerfing would not happen again. Besides, other over-powered heroes are bound to replace Krampus in defense; it is just a matter of time.
In any case, amazing write up again, and of course, my gratitude is yours!
😀, hey Chrestomanci -I’m letting people have their say, so not replying to all comments on this page however, this Irregardless matter is too funny.
In short, 🙂 I contest that Irregardless is a word which can be found in most Good dictionaries. It has a purpose, and is commonly used to add emphasis (as I have done here).
More than that, I find it better incapsulates all the information above, in a sweeping way, -better than boring old ‘Regardless’ could have.
Finally, it is flamboyant and wholly unnecessary, which is exactly why I’ve used it (because, I think these things can often make fun additions to the page). 😂
I also wanted to see if it would raise any eyebrows, and it has, -all in good humour, mind you.
Irregardless, it’s not like I’m saying “Very”… Which bytheway, nobody seems to have a problem with.
Personally I am pleased that this has happened. Some of my heroes are going to go up in strength, others down but hey ho, so are everybody’s.
What pleases me though is that SG have noticed that some of their heroes are dominating and need some levelling down. That shows they are listening to what is being said about their game and doing something to protect the players who (like me) spend a bit but not a lot and so can struggle to get the absolute top draw heroes and so face a downward spiral and so lose interest in the game.
Old Cynic,
I loved that you use the word, and the comical timing in which it was inserted is perfect! I was already starting to get riled up going through the table of changes–that you generously prepared for this article–, and suddenly a splash of icy water on the fire of rage that was starting to get enkindled in my soul: IRREGARDLESS, indeed! hahaha
The presence of a weird word in an otherwise perfect prose often gives a sudden signal that allows the reader to stand in attention for what is coming next, which oftentimes is the crux of the matter. Then there are times, as it was demonstrated here with great proficiency, that it is simply the best tool to diffuse unnecessary tension.
Anyway, I am counting my blessings: 1) I do not have Krampus; 2) Mr. Pengi is safe (for now, at least); 3) (My) Cristobal can now surely let go of his “troubled past!” 🙂
Yours again,
P.S. I think, you are going to be more than justified writing VERY: people are VERY upset with this (even the ones who does not have CK)! 🙂
Myself I support the move for only one reason. I was bored of facing the same defenses over and over and over
You shouldn’t have to feel fooled buying summons after summons to get what you wanted, only to see what you paid for isn’t what you have anymore. It’s really a disgrace!
I got C.Krampus from coins that I have saved up for the year just so that SG can destroyed it after around 2 months.
It is as if C.Krampus have been singled out as the main culprit for the Christmas heroes in top defenses whereas Pengi I think is the main reason for it. They have already tested it out in Beta and got all the data yet, they still released it to the main. I have to spend a lot of food just to re-emblem him.
The buff for starfall and magic is just their way to attract people to spend more money on it. Of course they buff up all the 5 stars starfall except Bobo, the only one I got. lol
That Bobo comment made me laugh. Sorry MIB!
My friends motega and milena are very happy.
I don’t even see the need for all the nerfs because 99% of the affected players played long enough in top tier alliances to either have or be comfortable fighting super annoying lineups.
If there is a random player or two in a young alliance with a strong roster it won’t sway any wars.
Last war our opponents had 23/30 player defences looking like this:
Hannah/krampus(-+C)/ferant(LB) Frigg(or cadilien-c) Odin.
Did anyone complain? Nope, we had 27/30 on our side similar setup.
So just as annoying for everyone involved, and there is a 100% chance no rookie alliance ever would face that kind of war unless it’s a newly formed alliance on its way up.
So this is just Small giant doing the old bait and switch money grab we all seen way to many times.
This is very simple, bait and switch, and there is no excuse for this behavior between beta testing and relentless release of new heroes/costumes that can counter whatever mistake was made.
Back to the expensive heroes and no more nasty EHT, polluting the top 10, when will C. Kadilen get the axe?. I find it boring with the typical top 10.
I think it’s fair to balance the game, but let’s not forget that it’s been a month and a half since Christmas so I see this nerf as rushed. I think Krampus (which I don’t have) is a hero who could be debunked but not as much as he was in Telluria and Vela times. It is a bit like selling goods at a certain price and then discovering that you have paid for them more than their real value.
do you think that all the Xmas family (and in particular “my” Pengi) is still in the Deity category???
Hi Gixu, I answered this on the Pengi post 😀
As for the Family, they’re still strong heroes, it’s just C.Krampus.
Before C.Krampus was just Krampus. And he was always in the Top Defenses, so I expect he will come back.
I feel sorry for my Buddy, and my 2 (YES TWO!) Frostys, who did nothing wrong but are punished for your Mr. Pengi! 😭
Didn’t notice your answer! 🙁
I have Frosty & Rudolph, both still at 1/1… now i have to think about maxing them…
THX!!!! 😉