How Good is Cristobal? Empires and Puzzles Interview

Cristobal Empires and Puzzles Hero Card

Cristobal is a 5-Star Hero from the Empires and Puzzles event, Tower Of Magic. I interviewed him for this review, and he explained that he’s tired of people sleeping on this skillset, just because he doesn’t look like a traditional fighter.

In his own words, “They scoff at the mere mention of my name. Yes, I’m a gentleman. I will always remove my jabot and earrings before battle, but I have earned my victories in the streets and even the old Colosseum. I shan’t be denied”.

If you want to read the full interview, stick around.

Cristobal’s Troubled Past

Question (OC): Cristobal, please tell us a little about yourself.

Cristobal: I was a poor and sickly child, but always loved Magic, nature, and fashion. It was as a teen that I sought out my mentor, seˈɲor Alejandro, an emerald Sorcerer. And it was he, who saw fit for me to learn the lance, alongside my traditional studies into the mystical Arts. Well, the rest is history, as they say. You need not know more, for it was my victories which led me to your beloved, Empires and Puzzles. And it shall be my victories here, which will be imprinted into your memories. Here Sir, is my card:

Element: Nature (Green)

Class: Sorcerer

Mana Speed: Magic

Special Skills Tier-1: 1) Deals 250% damage to the target. 2) Deals 500% damage if the target has less than 50% health remaining.

Special Skills Tier-2: 1) Deals 215% damage to all enemies. 2) Deals 430% damage if the target has more than 50% health remaining.

Passive: STATUS EFFECT ON FULL CHARGE ~ On T1: This Hero has a 50% chance to give -20% attack for 3 turns to all enemies. On T2: This Hero has a 100% chance to give -20% attack for 3 turns to all enemies.

Talent: DELAY ~ +15% chance to drop the mana generation of the enemy by -50% for 2 turns after dealing damage. The effect is applied at the end of the turn.

Should you level Cristobal? (Empires and Puzzles)

Question (OC): Cristobal, should our readers invest their time and resources into your development?

Cristobal: I am but a man, with yet only two hands. You see, One can not claim to be mightier than another, for we are all but flesh.

Old Cynic: Well dear reader, I’ll give you my opinion: Cristobal is one of the best “come-back” Heroes in Empires and Puzzle. Here’s my review:

If you’ve read my earlier post about the new Tower Of Magic, you’ll already know that these new Heroes enjoy 2 separate Specials. The first is at a near equivalent to VERY FAST mana speed, while the second is close to SLOW.

Cristobal’s Tier-1 Special (Very Fast): Charmed Dual Blade

Cristobal’s first Special sees him behave like a Sniper, hitting a single threat for 250% damage. There is a possibility of more damage (500%), but the target needs to have less than 50% health remaining for that to happen.

The goal here is to get that 500% strike, otherwise, you’re leaving a lot on the table. And that might be easier than expected.

For example, if you’ve been tapping the Tank with tiles, they might be under 50% health at (or near) the time of Cristobal’s Charge.

Or, maybe it’s later in the game. Then, you might have lots of options.

Either way, this first Special could be surprisingly useable on Offense. Although admittedly, not so great on a CPU Defense.

Let’s get a chart out and compare Cristobal with some other quick snipers:

HeroMana SpeedDamage/OtherSecondary
CristobalVery Fast250% damage to target… Maybe 500% if less than 50% HPnill puntos
MalosiVery Fast300% damage to the targetTarget can not cast new status effects or stacks on anyone for 3 turns (E&P royalty)
MagniFast420% damage to the targetCaster and NB get +63% Defense for 4 turns
Bai YeongFast320% damage to the targetTarget gets -75% Accuracy for 2 turns
CobaltNinja 1290% damage to the target, with a 60% chance to bypass buffsnill puntos
Cristobal compared to similar Heroes

Cristobal looks strong on this chart if you can get that 500%.

Related: How good is Motega?

Cristobal’s Tier-2 Special (Slow): Charmed Dual Blade

When you look at Cristobal’s second Special, you quickly realise that he doesn’t believe in defeat. When all hope is lost and the crows are circling, when the ref’s count reaches 9 and he’s waving fingers in your face, when you turn 40 and your metabolism gives up…

That’s when Cristobal is grinning like a psychotic Wrestler, shaking his fist in the air, as life slaps him, again and again… “Cristobal! Cristobal! Cristobal!” go the voices in his head.

Cristobal is capable of unleashing all manner of hell upon the dancing pixels on your screen. He is the Phoenix, and will annihilate the enemy team with 430% damage across the board, if they have over 50% health remaining. And that 430% is the most devastating force in the whole of Empires and Puzzles.

Let’s compare:

HeroMana SpeedDamageSecondary
SlowDeals 215% damage to all enemies… or 430% if more than 50% HP50% chance to give -20% attack to all enemies that are not Nature (green)
SlowDeals 420% damage to all enemiesDispels buffs from all enemies. 50% chance to give 25% mana to all allies that are not Ice (blue)
KillhareAverageDeals 300% damage to all enemiesAll allies get -20% defense
SlowDeals 360% damage to all enemies100% chance to bypass defensive buffs (including counterattack)
SlowDeals 350% damage to all enemiesAll enemies are immune to new buffs for 5 turns. Dispels all buffs from all enemies
BoboSlowDeals 320% damage to all enemiesEnemy with the highest base defense gets -60% defense for 4 turns. Enemy with the highest base attack gets -60% attack for 4 turns. These can not be cleansed.
Cristobal compared to similar Heroes

If Cristobal manages to hit for 430% to all, then obviously it’s awesome. Just imagine casting Defense-down before he slaps the senses out of them…

However, in order to get that 430% you need your opposition to have more than 50% HP. So late in the battle, you might be better off hitting Cristobal’s Tier-1 repeatedly.

Either way, you have 2 great options on your hands.

Cristobal – Empires and Puzzles Tower Of Magic

Question (OC): Cristobal, do you have any final words for your adoring fans?

Cristobal: Now I see that you respect my abilities, I can be on my way. And to your readers, I say: I have only one stipulation before I will join your roster; free access to dry-cleaning. For I should not have to pay to wash your enemy’s blood out of my fine silks and fabrics. ‘Til we meet again!

Well, there you have it folks…. Cristobal has left the building.

Old Cynic’s Hero Grade: Deity★★

This Hero was subsequently Buffed or Nerfed by the developers. Details have been updated to reflect the changes.

[Please always check in-game Hero Cards to confirm details and never chase Heroes]

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Images used by way of review/tutorial – Copyright owned by Empires & Puzzles: Small Giant Games

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  1. Haha, funny interview 🙂

    I wish I got this guy. I don’t have a 5-star green except Horghall (whom I won’t spent ascension mats on) and his damage is nice. It would be great if he did something extra like defense down, silence for a turn, or whatever, but with very fast attack and a slow 400% attack he’s already strong.

    1. Thanks byzanthia! I think the developers are cautious about pushing up the top-end damage, and this time balanced it by limiting his secondaries. That said…. Milena.

      Thanks for stopping by

  2. Hello Old Cynic!

    The binge-reading continues from this end! 🙂

    I read your Cristobal review several times now, because I thought this to be one of the best prose written in E&P universe (no hyperboles, I promise!)

    “They scoff at the mere mention of my name…I shan’t be denied.” I am not really sure why, but when I read this for the first time, I broke down and cried like a maniac. Hahaha.

    As it happened, I was one of those people who did not see the value of Cristobal, for a long long time. In my defense, I just started playing E&P (September 2021, which happens to coincide with the time of the first appearance of the Tower of Magic), when I pulled him from a lucky 10x pull. At that time, I just wanted to get a healer that could replace Sharan so that I could advance more in the map stages of season 1, and I was disappointed (stupidly, of course!) not to get Vivica but Cristobal, instead!

    I would like to think that I know better now. Although, I still value healers more than hitters, and this game has found a way of punishing me for it: a constant denial of the desirable 5 star healers! agrh (giving me Xnolphod and Mother North would not send this whole game crushing down to the ground, would it?–so please?….)

    Anyway, thank you for the excellent review (and for making me cry with it)!

    Binge-reading your content with excited anticipation,



    1. Hi Chrestomanci, thanks for reading!

      This is one of my favourite reviews, it was really fun to write.

      You’ve been very fortunate, especially with his Buff.

      Hey, C.Rigard will do as a healer (if you get him), but you’ve been around long enough to know that!

      Thanks for commenting and stopping by.

      1. Hello Old Cynic,

        I am extremely glad with the buff on Cristobal. I read your article on the recent balance updated with bated breath, and resumed breathing with a happy cadence in it when I saw that he ended up victorious, as he usually is! 😀

        I have not the great fortune to pull cRigard yet, but I have him and Kiril maxed out in their base forms. I might have to sacrifice a lamb first when I attempt again to pull from the costume chambers next time it appears. Vivica has already graced me with her magnanimity, though, but it may take another batch of forever before I could max her out. I am still working on Cristobal and other 5*s, and they are taking an eternity to finish.

        Anyways, enough with my woes. Thank you again for the great article.


  3. Nice review Oldcynic. I love the Monthy Python style.

    About Cristobal, I just maxed him and I like using him in attack. My other maxed Green 5*: Telluria Heimdall Phileas Francine Alberich Eiora Elkanen Quenell.

  4. I need clarification You say that his secondary skill fully charged has a 50% chance to give the enemy negative 20% attack, but on Cristobal it says when fully charged his secondary skill has a 100% chance to give the end of the negative 20% attack. Which is correct?

    1. Hello, Cristobal has been Buffed since and it wasn’t updated. I’ve updated it… on his first Special it’s 50%, and on the second it’s 100%. Thank you!

      Oh yes, always go with the card. Thanks for visiting!

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